Khotimah, Suciawati Khusnul. 2022. The
Effect of Problem Based Learning Model on Geographic Literacy Ability in Social
Studies Learning a materials of Interregional and Interstate Trade Activities.
Thesis, Social Education Program, Postgraduate of Surabaya State University,
Advisors: (I) Dr. Ketut Prasetyo, MS., (II) Dr. Sukma Perdana Prasetya, S.Pd., M.T
Keywords: Problem
Based Learning Model, Geographic Literacy Ability
This study aims to analyze the presence or absence of the
influence of the Problem Based Learning Model on the geographic literacy
ability of students at SMPN 2 Krian on social studies learning, the
interregional and interstate trade activities material. This type of research
is a Quasi-Experimental Design with Alternative Treatment Post-Test-Only with Non
Equivalent Groups Design . The variables in
this study consisted of independent variables namely the Problem Based Learning
model with phases namely problem oriented, organized oriented, guide investigation as
an individual or group, development and presentation of achievements, problem
solving analysis and evaluation. And the dependent variable was the student’s
geographic literacy ability. The learning held in VIII E and VIII J class. The
geographic literacy was measured using written test with the data collection
instrument in the form of a description question consisting of three indicator
namely interactions, interconnections, and implications.
The result of the study showed that
mean values of the pretest pf geographic literacy ability of the control class
and experiment class did not have a difference that was far away at 53,07 in
the experiment class and 53,10 at control class. After being given treatment in
learning, student were given posttest with the mean result in the control class
was 67,05 and in the experiment class was 77,09. Based on the analysis of
prerequisite test, the geographic literacy ability data was normally
distributed and homogeneus. Hyoptesis testing data form pretest result showed
that there was no significant difference in geographic literacy ability in both
class. Hypothesis testing of posttest result data showed that there are
significant differences in student’s geographic literacy ability in bpoth
classes. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the
Problem Based Learning model has a significant influence on the geographic
literacy ability of the student in SMPN 2 Krian.