Pembangunan Pasar Modern Lamongan tidak terlepas dengan keputusan Bupati mengenai pembangunan Plaza Lamongan. Keberadaan Pasar Modern Lamongan yang dibangun satu kompleks dengan Mall bertujuan agar posisi pasar tradisional lebih baik sehingga dapat mendukung ekonomi pro-rakyat. Pembangunan Plaza Lamongan dan Pasar Modern Lamongan di lahan Pasar Lamong Raya menimbulkan pro-kontra dari berbagai pihak. Namun perkembangannya beberapa tahun setelah diresmikan pada tahun 2009 kegiatan perekonomian dalam pasar mengalami penurunan.
Berdasarkan konteks diatas, penelitian dilakukan untuk menjawab beberapa rumusan masalah sebagai berikut : 1) Bagaimana konsep pembangunan Pasar Modern Lamongan? 2) Mengapa terjadi penurunan aktivitas di Pasar Modern Lamongan? 3) Bagaimana dampak pembangunan pasar Modern Lamongan terhadap kehidupan pedagang dan masyarakat sekitar?. Penelitian yang dilakukan penulis menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah dengan 4 tahap yaitu : heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, Pembangunan pasar yang merupakan usaha pemerintah untuk memperbaiki perekonomian masyarakat ternyata tidak dapat berjalan dengan seharusnya. Konsep yang menggabungkan perpaduan harnomis antara pasar tradisional dan mall juga belum dikatakan berhasil. Perbedaan jam operasional antara Pasar Lamong Raya yang buka selama 24 jam dan Pasar Modern Lamongan yang buka mulai pukul 05.00-21.00WIB sangat mempengaruhi hal-hal terkait lainnya seperti sepinya pengunjung, beralihnya pegadang eceran, tukang sayur dll kepasar lain. Faktor lain yag menyebabkan perununan adalah pergeseran perekonomian, gaya hidup dan pesaing lain. Stand yang terisi semua setelah peresmian lambat laun mulai tutup satu persatu, hal ini berdampak terhadap perekonomian pedagang , bahkan beberapa pedagang memilih menutup stand karena dirasa rugi.
Kata Kunci : Dampak, Pasar Tradisional, Pasar Lamong Raya, Pasar Modern Lamongan
The development of the Lamongan Modern Market is inseparable from the Regent's decision regarding the construction of the Lamongan Plaza. The existence of the Lamongan Modern Market which was built in a complex with a Mall aims to improve the traditional market position so that it can support the pro-people economy. The construction of the Lamongan Plaza and the Lamongan Modern Market on the Lamong Raya Market area raises the pros and cons of various parties. But its development a few years after it was inaugurated in 2009 economic activity in the market has decreased.
Based on the above context, research is conducted to answer the following problem formulations: 1) What is the concept of the development of the Lamongan Modern Market? 2) Why did activity decline in the Lamongan Modern Market? 3) What is the impact of the development of the Lamongan Modern Market on the lives of traders and surrounding communities ?. Research conducted by the author uses historical research methods with 4 stages, namely: heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography.
The results showed that, Market development which is an attempt by the government to improve the economy of the community apparently could not work as it should. The concept of combining harnomic fusion between traditional markets and malls has also not been said to be successful. The difference in operating hours between the Lamong Raya Market which is open 24 hours and the Lamongan Modern Market which opens from 05.00-21.00WIB greatly affects other related matters such as lonely visitors, shifting retailers, vegetable vendors etc. to other markets. The stands that were filled all after the inauguration gradually began to close one by one, this had an impact on the merchant's economy, and even some traders chose to close the stands because they felt they were losing money.
Keywords: Impact, Traditional Market, Lamong Raya Market, Lamongan Modern Market