Effect of Learning Motivation and Parents Socio Economic Status on Interest in Continuing Study in Higher Education Through Learning Achievement as a Mediation Variable
Penurunan presentase dari lulusan SMA yang melanjutkan studi ke Perguruan Tinggi mempengaruhi Standar Pelayanan Minimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung antara motivasi belajar dan status sosial ekonomi orang tua terhadap minat melanjutkan studi ke-perguruan tinggi melalui prestasi belajar sebagai variabel mediasi.Teknik pengambilan sampel secara probabilitas dengan simpel random samplingyang kemudian diperoleh sampel 103 peserta didik yang diambil berdasarkan tabel Krejcie dan Morgan.Metode analisis data adalah analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan WarpPLS versi 6.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung antar variabel yang diketahui dari uji hipotesis. Diantara tujuh hipotesis ini, dua hipotesis diterima yaitu motivasi belajar mempengaruhi prestasi belajar, motivasi belajar mempengaruhi minat melanjutkan studi. Akan tetapi, lima hipotesis lainnya ditolak yaitu status sosial ekonomi tidak mempengaruhi minat melanjutkan studi, prestasi belajar tidak mempengaruhi minat melanjutkan studi, status sosial ekonomi tidak mempengaruhi prestasi belajar. Motivasi belajar maupun status sosial ekonomi tidak mempengaruhi minat melanjutkan studi yang berarti prestasi belajar dalam penelitian ini gagal menjadi variabel mediasi.
The decrease in percentage of high school graduates to continue their studies to Higher Education affects the Minimum Service Standards. This study aims to determine whether there is a direct or indirect influence between learning motivation and parents' socio economic status on the interest in continuing to study in tertiary institutions through learning achievement as a mediating variable. students taken based on Krejcie and Morgan tables. The data analysis method is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with WarpPLS version 6.0. The results showed there are direct and indirect effects between variables known from the hypothesis test. Among these seven hypotheses, two hypotheses are accepted namely learning motivation influences learning achievement, and learning motivation affects interest in continuing study. However, five other hypotheses were rejected namely socio economic status did not affect the interest in continuing studies, learning achievement did not affect interest in continuing studies, socio economic status did not affect learning achievement. Learning motivation and socio economic status do not affect interest in continuing studies, which means learning achievement in this study fails to be a mediating variable