Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh penggunaan sampo silver terhadap hasil pewarnaan rambut artistik menggunakan teknik tipping. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Eksperimen yang dilakukan pada rambut model. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah penggunaan sampo silver, variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil akhir pewarnaan rambut artistik menggunakan teknik tipping. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah Observasi yang dilakuan oleh 24 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji statistic analisis variasi klasifikais tunggal (one way anova) dengan menggunakan bantuan SPSS 21. Dari hasil penelitian , rambut dengan undercoat level 10 yang menggunakan sampo silver dengan aspek pewarnaan atau warna rambut sebesar 3,04 , aspek porositas rambut sebesar 3,04, aspek keawetan warna rambut sebesar 3,03 , aspek penetralan pigmen rambut sebesar 3,04, dan aspek tingkat kesukaan sebesar 3,05. Berdasarkan jumlah nilai rata-rata hasil yang didapatkan oleh tingkat kesukaan mendapatkan hasil baik dengan rata-rata 3,05. rambut dengan undercoat level 10 yang tidak menggunakan sampo silver dengan aspek tingkat kesukaan sebesar 2,08 , aspek penetralan pigmen rambut sebesar 2,06 , aspek porositas rambut sebesar 2,05 , dan aspek keawetan warna sebesar 2,03. Berdasarkan jumlah nilai rata-rata hasil yang didapatkan oleh aspek warna rambut mendapatkan hasil baik dengan nilai 3,00. Karena nilai signifikan kurang dari 0,5.
Kata kunci: pewarnaan rambut, tipping , sampo silver
AbstractThis study discusses the use of silver shampoo on the results of artistic hair coloring using a tip technique. This type of research is an experiment conducted on a hair model. The independent variable in this study is the use of silver shampoo, the dependent variable in this study is the final result of artistic hair coloring using tipping technique. Data collection methods used were observations carried out by 24 people. The data analysis technique used is the statistical test analysis of single classifical variation (one way anova) using SPSS 21. From the results of the study, hair with a level 10 undercoat that uses silver shampoo with the coloring aspect or hair color of 3.04, the porosity aspect of the hair is 3.04, aspects of hair color durability of 3.03, the neutralizing aspect of hair pigment is 3.04, and the favorite level aspect is 3.05. Based on the average number of results obtained by the level of liking get good results with an average of 3.05. hair with a level 10 undercoat that does not use silver shampoo with a favorite level aspect of 2.08, the neutralizing aspect of hair pigment is 2.06, aspect of hair porosity of 2.05, and the color durability aspect of 2.03. Based on the average number of results obtained by the aspect of hair color get good results with a value of 3.00. Because the significant value is less than 0.5. Keywords: hair coloring, tipping, silver shampoo
This study discusses the use of silver shampoo on the results of artistic hair coloring using a tip technique. This type of research is an experiment conducted on a hair model. The independent variable in this study is the use of silver shampoo, the dependent variable in this study is the final result of artistic hair coloring using tipping technique. Data collection methods used were observations carried out by 24 people. The data analysis technique used is the statistical test analysis of single classifical variation (one way anova) using SPSS 21. From the results of the study, hair with a level 10 undercoat that uses silver shampoo with the coloring aspect or hair color of 3.04, the porosity aspect of the hair is 3.04, aspects of hair color durability of 3.03, the neutralizing aspect of hair pigment is 3.04, and the favorite level aspect is 3.05. Based on the average number of results obtained by the level of liking get good results with an average of 3.05. hair with a level 10 undercoat that does not use silver shampoo with a favorite level aspect of 2.08, the neutralizing aspect of hair pigment is 2.06,
aspect of hair porosity of 2.05, and the color durability aspect of 2.03. Based on the average number of results obtained by the aspect of hair color get good results with a value of 3.00. Because the significant value is less than 0.5.
Keywords: hair coloring, tipping, silver shampoo