Alfran Rezky Tri Yullika Putra. Development
of Learning Management System-Based
Evaluation Instruments for the Process
of Improving the Learning Process in Motorcycle Machine Maintenance Subjects at
SMK Negeri Sekar , Thesis, Master of
Technology and Vocational Education Study
Program, Postgraduate Program
Surabaya State University, Supervisor:
(I) Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Susila ,M.T.,and (II) Dr. Thedorus Wiyanto
Keywords :
Development, LMS-based evaluation, Motorcycle Engine Maintenance,
The research on the development
of machine maintenance subject evaluation based on Learning management system was motivated by the results of researcher trials on students of SMK Negeri Sekar Bojonegoro that LMS-based evaluation is feasible to be
used at SMK Negeri Sekar as much as 90% strongly agree. The purpose of this study is toproduce a
valid learning evaluation instrument based on LMS. The subjects used are
Motorcycle Engine Maintenance and the LMS used is The
instruments used are evaluation expert validation sheets, student and teacher
response questionnaires, learning outcomes assessment instrument sheets. The
data analysis technique in this study uses quantitative descriptive. This
research uses the Research and
Development (R&D) method. Evaluation Development Model used with 4-D (define,
design, develop and disseminate) .
Test the data using Rasch
modeling with the help of the Winstep application.
The results of this study are,
(1) the validity of LMS-based evaluation instruments based on validator
assessments, namely 85% for instruments, and 87% for evaluation media, (2) teacher
responses and student responses which are indicators of the practicality of
LMS-based evaluation in, namely getting an average of
77% for student responses and 87% for teacher responses, this assessment shows
a good and very good category response regarding evaluation media, (3) the need for learning improvements in
motorcycle engine maintenance subjects on the material of diagnosing automatic
transmission damage, the material of manual transmission work system, the
material of diagnosing the malfunction of the injection work system and the
material on diagnosing the damage of the manual transmission in terms of person-item maps from questions number
5, 29, 19, 27, 28 are above the ability of the student who answers the most correctly.
So that it can be concluded that the LMS-based evaluation in of the motorcycle engine maintenance subjects
developed is valid, practical and effectively used for learning improvement at
SMK Negeri Sekar Bojonegoro. Therefore, the recommendation of this study is
that LMS-based evaluation in can make it easier for
teachers and students to evaluate learning so that it is necessary to develop
the use of this LMS with other materials.