Dari hasil pengamatan langsung saat pertandingan dan wawancara pada pemain tim putri bolabasket SMPN 6 Sidoarjo, para pemain yang mengikuti pertandingan bolabasket pada saat melakukan free throw sering tidak masuk kedalam ring disebabkan adanya rasa cemas akan tidak masuknya bola ke dalam ring serta terdapatnya gangguan dari luar, gangguan tersebut berupa sorak-sorai dari para penonton. Kondisi tersebut harus diatasi agar kemampuan ke dalam shooting free throw menjadi bagus. Analisis kecemasan dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecemasan karena pengaruh supporter dengan ketepatan shooting free throw bolabasket pada tim putri bolabasket SMP Negeri 6 Sidoarjo. Jenis Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Dalam penelitian ini karena jumlah tim bolabasket yang mengikuti pertandingan 12 pemain, maka penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi. Metode pengumpulan data test meliputi angket dan studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada tim putri bolabasket SMPN 6 Sidoarjo terdapat korelasi antara tingkat kecemasan dengan ketepatan shooting free throw yaitu sebesar -0,776 tanda (-) tersebut yang menggambarkan bahwa kedua variabel memiliki hubungan atau korelasi yang berlawanan arah. Sedangkan besaran hubungan kecemasan terhadap ketepatan shooting free throw sebesar 60,02%. Kata Kunci : Bolabasket, kecemasan.
Based on the results of direct observation during the matches and the interviews with the 6th State Junior High School Sidoarjo, players who take part in basketball matches while free throwing often cannot get the ball into the ring affected by the anxiety of not succeeding and the presence of outside interference. The interference is in the form of supporters cheering. This condition must be overcome so that the free throw shooting ability becomes good. Anxiety analysis was conducted to find out the relationship of anxiety by the influence of supporters with the accuracy of free throw shooting in the women basketball team of the 6th State Junior High School Sidoarjo. This type of research uses quantitative analysis with a quantitative descriptive approach. In this research since the number of basketball team participating in the games is 12 players, then this is a population research. The data test collecting method includes questionnaires and documentation studies. Based of the results of the research conducted on the basketball women the 6th State Junior High School Sidoarjo, there is a correlation between the level of anxiety and the accuracy of the free throw shooting which is -0,776 min (-) which illustrates that the two variables have relationship of correlation in the opposite direction. While the magnitude of the relationship of anxiety to the accuracy of free throw shooting is 60,02%. Keywords : basketball, anxiety.