Letak kafe yang berdekatan dengan pondok pesantren mampu menjadi daya tarik bagi remaja santri sehingga menyebabkan munculnya gaya hidup masyarakat kota yakni gaya hidup nongkrong di kafe. Nongkrong dianggap sebagai kegiatan yang paling menyenangkan, karena mereka dapat menghabiskan waktu dan menikmati fasilitas kafe yang tidak mereka temui di pondok pesantren. Padatnya kegiatan dan ketatnya peraturan di pondok pesantren mengakibatkan remaja santri merasa lebih tertekan dan bosan sehingga mereka menjadikan kafe sebagai tempat untuk refreshing. Remaja santri rela meninggalkan pondok dan berbohong kepada pengurus pondok agar mereka mendapatkan izin untuk keluar meninggalkan pondok pesantren demi nongkrong di kafe. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kondisi objektif remaja santri dan motif remaja santri nongkrong di kafe, serta mengidentifikasi gaya hidup nongkrong remaja santri di kafe. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan perspektif teori gaya hidup David Channey.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya hidup yang ditunjukkan oleh remaja santri adalah nongkrong di kafe setiap libur sekolah atau mempunyai waktu luang. Padatnya kegiatan pondok juga mengakibatkan mereka nongkrong di kafe karena bosan dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan setiap hari didalam pondok pesantren. aktivitas yang dilakukan ketika nongkrong adalah mengobrol dan membicarakan sesuatu baik tentang masa lalu maupun membicarakan orang lain, menikmati sajian yang ada di kafe, memanfaatkan fasilitas free wifi, mencari spot foto yang bagus, bermain game, dan menikmati hiburan acara live music. Saat berada di luar lingkungan pondok mereka juga tidak menggunakan almamater pondok sehingga tampilan luar gaya hidup di perlukan mereka ketika nongkrong di kafe.
Kata Kunci : Gaya Hidup, Remaja Santri, Nongkrong, Kafe.
The location of a cafe which close enough to the Islamic boarding school can be an attraction for the teenagers there as students because the emergence of the urban city environment’s lifestyle to be known as “hanging out” in cafes. Hang out is considered as the most enjoyable activity, because they can spend time and enjoy the cafe’s facilities that they do not get from Islamic boarding schools. The tightness of activities and the strict regulations in Islamic boarding schools caused the teenagers there feel more depressed and bored so they spend their time in café as a place for refreshing. The students were willing to leave the hut and lie to the management of the lodge so that they would get permission to leave the boarding school to hang out in a cafe. The purpose of this study is to describe the objective conditions of Islamic bording school students and the motives of teenage students hanging out in cafes, and identifying the lifestyle of hanging out of them in cafes. This research method is qualitative by using David Channey's lifestyle theory perspective.
The results of this study indicate that the lifestyle shown by youth students’ of Islamic boarding school is hanging out to café in every school holiday or when they have free time. The tight activity of the lodge also resulted for them to hanging out in cafes because they were bored with activities they had done every day in boarding school. The activities which they do when they hanging out in cafe are chatting and talking about something good about their last experience or talking about other people, enjoying the dishes in the cafe, utilizing free wifi facilities, looking for good photo spots, playing games, and enjoying live music entertainment. When they are outside the hut they also do not use the cottage alma mater so they need an outward appearance of lifestyle when hanging out in a cafe.
Keywords: Lifestyle, Youth Islamic Boarding School Students, Hang out, Café