Novel Buku Merah Kirayu menceritakan kisah Kirayu sebagai aktivis peduli HAM yang berdemo menolak RUU dan menentang aksi korupsi. Novel tersebut menggambarkan realitas politik masyarakat Indonesia. Terdapat gambaran fakta-fakta kemanusiaan yang merepresentasikan realitas politik masyarakat Indonesia dan gambaran pandangan dunia terkait permasalahan yang terjadi. Melalui penelitian ini, pengkajian novel Buku Merah Kirayu dilakukan dengan teori strukturalisme genetik Goldmann. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu, menemukan dan mendeskripsikan 1) fakta kemanusiaan, 2) subjek kolektif, 3) pandangan dunia, 4) struktur karya sastra, dan 5) dialektika pemahaman-penjelasan dalam novel Buku Merah Kirayu karya Budhi Kurniawan. Metode penelitian berupa kualitatif. Sumber data berupa novel Buku Merah Kirayu karya Budhi Kurniawan. Data berupa kata, kalimat, atau paragraf dalam novel yang berkaitan dengan fokus penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik studi pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik konten analisis dan dialektika pemahaman-penjelasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) fakta kemanusiaan dalam novel, yaitu fakta sosial dan fakta individual. Fakta sosial berupa demonstrasi RUU, penangkapan aktivis, membangun popularitas, korupsi lahan, politik uang, dan penanganan korupsi oleh Komisi Anti Korupsi. Sementara itu, fakta individual, yaitu kesalahan yang tidak disengaja. 2) subjek kolekif dalam novel memperlihatkan dua golongan kelompok sosial, yaitu elit politik dengan masyarakat sipil. 3) pandangan dunia dalam novel, yaitu bahwa kebijakan seharusnya dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan masyarakat secara keseluruhan, kepentingan masyarakat secara keseluruhan tidak seharusnya dikorbankan untuk memenuhi kepentingan pihak tertentu, pandangan mendukung kerja-kerja pemberantasan korupsi, pandangan yang berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai keadilan sosial dan perlindungan HAM, dan pandangan mendukung perjuangan penegakan HAM dalam hal memerangi koruptor apapun resikonya. 4) struktur karya sastra dalam novel memperlihatkan realitas politik masyarakat Indonesia dan pola srukturnya berupa pertentangan antara masyarakat sipil dengan elit politik. 5) dialektika pemahaman-penjelasan dalam novel dibuktikan melalui relasi antar tokoh dan struktur novel homolog dengan struktur sosial, yaitu memperlihatkan pertentangan antara masyarakat sipil dengan elit politik.
Kata Kunci: dialektika pemahaman-penjelasan, fakta kemanusiaan, pandangan dunia, strukturalisme genetik, struktur karya sastra, subjek kolektif
Novel Buku Merah Kirayu tells the story of Kirayu as an activist concerned with human rights who demonstrates against the bill and opposes acts of corruption. The novel describes the political reality of Indonesian society. There is an overview of human facts that represent the political reality of the Indonesian people and an overview of the world's views regarding the problems that occur. Through this research, the study of the novel Buku Merah Kirayu was carried out using Goldmann's theory of genetic structuralism. The aims of this research are to find and describe 1) human facts, 2) collective subject, 3) world view, 4) literature structure, and 5) understanding-explanation dialectic in Budhi Kurniawan's novel Buku Merah Kirayu. The research method is qualitative. The data source is the novel Buku Merah Kirayu by Budhi Kurniawan. Data presented in words, sentences, or paragraphs in the novel related to the research focus. Data collection was carried out using literature study techniques. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis and understanding-explanation dialectics techniques. The results of the research show that 1) the facts of humanity in the novel are social facts and individual facts. Social facts in the form of bill demonstrations, arrests of activists, building popularity, land corruption, money politics, and the handling of corruption by the Anti-Corruption Commission. Meanwhile, individual facts, namely unintentional errors. 2) the collective subject in the novel shows two groups of social groups, namely the political elite and civil society. 3) the world view in the novel, namely that policies should be made by considering society as a whole, the interests of society as a whole should not be sacrificed to fulfill the interests of certain parties, views supporting work on eradicating corruption, views referring to the values of social justice and protection of human rights, and views supporting the struggle for human rights enforcement in terms of fighting corruptors no matter the risk. 4) the literature structure in the novel shows the political reality of Indonesian society and its structural pattern is in the form of conflict between civil society and political elites. 5) the dialectic of understanding-explanation in the novel is proven through the relations between characters and the structure of the novel is homologous to the social structure, which shows the conflict between civil society and political elites.
Keywords: understanding-explanation dialectic, human facts, world view, genetic structuralism, literature structure, collective subject