Tinjauan Melodi Instrumen Tiup pada Lagu "High in the Sky" Karya dari Band Happy Ending Ska Gresik
Overview of Wind Instrument Melodies on the Song "High in the Sky" by the Happy Ending Ska Gresik Band
This study aims to explain the wind instrument melody, song structure, and the wind instrument structure of the song "High in the Sky" by the band Happy Ending Ska Gresik. Based on the research results, the song "High in the Sky" which focuses on the melodic part of the wind instrument gets several results such as melodic variations, repetitions, sequences, playing techniques such as acciaccatura, and there are several dynamics such as crescendos and decrescendos. Apart from that, it was found that the singing of wind instruments dominated in unison which can be seen in the intro, chorus, interlude, and outro sections. The wind instruments here are also a part that has a big impact on the song "High in the Sky" as a filler for the main melody (vocals) and is the part that is most favored by the audience.