Early age is a golden age that has great potential both physical and spiritual for children to enter further education. Education is currently inseparable from technology, including interactive media adapted to the PAUD curriculum: introduction to the animal world based on their life place on land, water, and air. Whereas at RA Amiruddin the learning media used were still conventional so they didn’t attract children's interest in learning. This study's purpose is to design animal recognition applications based on where they live, to facilitate the learning material delivery at RA Amirudin. This application design uses the Luther-Sutopo method including Concept, Design, Material Collection, Assembly, Testing, and Distribution. This study uses qualitative methods, and data collection is done through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. This design produces learning media in animal form recognition applications based on the environment where they live and an attractive appearance that can trigger a child's desire to learn and play. This media can help develop cognitive abilities and natural intelligence in early childhood optimal. The medium trial results obtained are 82.86% which was in the "Very Eligible" category, which was successfully played by 3 to 5 users. Based on this value, the application use that has been designed is considered successful.