Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) kelayakan bahan ajar buku saku; (2) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan bahan ajar buku saku; (3) hasil belajar siswa menggunakan bahan ajar buku saku; (4) respon siswa setelah menggunakan buku saku.
Desain penelitian adalah eksperimental dengan menggunakan model One-Shot Case Study. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya tahun ajaran 2018/2019 yang berjumlah 33 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah (1) lembar validasi kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran; (2) lembar observasi keterlaksanaan; (3) tes hasil belajar; (4) lembar angket respon siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) analisis kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran; (2) analisis keterlaksanaan pembelajaran; (3) analisis angket respon siswa; (4) analisis hasil belajar; (5) analisis uji hipotesis.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) presentase rata-rata hasil kelayakan bahan ajar buku saku sebesar 79,04%; (2) presentase hasil keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pada pertemuan 1 untuk guru mendapatkan 95,63% dan untuk siswa 93,08, pada pertemuan 2 untuk guru mendapatkan 98,75% dan untuk siswa mendapatkan 95,38% keduanya; (3) presentase penilaian hasil belajar siswa pada aspek penilaian kognitif sebanyak 96,97% siswa tuntas; (4) presentase respon siswa mendapatkan 97,35%; (5) hasil uji t adalah t hitung = 4,76 ≥ t tabel = 1,694, sehingga terima Ho, artinya penerapan bahan ajar buku saku pada materi memahami spesifikasi dan karakteristik beton bagi kelas X DPIB 1 SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya hasil belajarnya dapat melebihi KKM 75 sebesar ≥81.
Kata kunci: Bahan Ajar Buku Saku, Hasil Belajar Siswa.
The purpose of this study was to find out (1) the feasibility teaching materials using pocket book; (2) the implementation of learning using pocket book; (4) students learning outcomes using pocket book; (3) students respon after using pocket book.
The design of research is an experimental using the One-Shot Case Study model. The study sample was a class X student of State 3 Surabaya Vocational High School in the 2018/2019 academic year, totaling 33 students. The research instruments used were (1) the feasibility validation sheet of the learning device; (2) learning implementation sheet; (3) students’ response questionnaire (4) learning test outcomes. Data analysis techniques used are (1) feasibility analysis of learning devices; (2) analysis of the implementation of learning; (3) analysis of students’ response questionnaire; (4) analysis of students learning outcomes; (5) the research of hypothesis.
The results of this study are (1) the average percentage of the feasibility of pocket book is 79,04%; (2) the percentage of the results of the implementation of learning at 1st meeting get 95,63% for teacher and 93,08% for students, at the 2nd meeting get 98,75% for teacher and 95,38% for students; (3) the value of students learning outcomes in the aspects of knowledge (cognitive) show a percentage of 96,97% students in complete; (4) the percentage of students’ response questionnaire get 97,35. (5) the result of t test is t ct = 4,76 ≥ t table = 1,694, so based of the result is implementation of pocket book as teaching materials of understand the spesicications and characteristics of concrete lesson in class X DPIB 1 State 3 Surabaya Vocational High School students learning outcomes exceed KKM 75 of ≥81”.
Keywords: Teaching Materials of Pocket Book, Student Learning Outcomes.