Proses pembelajaran pada mata kuliah pengetahuan alat ukur sub kemampuan akhir pengujian getaran mekanis pada kendaraan bermotor di Laboratorium Pengujian Performa Mesin Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT Unesa berjalan kurang efektif dan efisien, dikarenakan tidak adanya modul pembelajaran tentang alat uji vibration tester. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul vibration tester dan mengetahui tingkat validitasnya, serta mengetahui respon mahasiswa dan dosen terhadap penggunaan modul vibration tester.
Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development/R&D). Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Model 4D yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan, yaitu: 1) define, 2) design, 3) development, 4) disseminate. Model ini dipilih karena mudah dipahami secara runtut, tersusun secara terprogram dan urutan kegiatan sistematis dalam upaya pemecahan suatu masalah belajar. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Prodi S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin yang sedang memprogram mata kuliah pengetahuan alat ukur tahun 2021/2022. Instrumen penilaian berupa lembar validasi dosen ahli serta lembar angket respon mahasiswa dan dosen. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah validitas modul vibration tester dengan nilai kevalidan rata-rata tiap aspek sebesar 4,35 termasuk kategori valid dan apabila dikategorikan dalam persentase kelayakan modul mendapatkan nilai sebesar 87% termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Hasil validasi ahli materi sebesar 4,33 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 87% termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Sedangkan untuk hasil validasi ahli bahasa sebesar 4,08 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 82% termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Kemudian hasil validasi ahli desain sebesar 4,64 termasuk kategori sangat valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 93% termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Respon mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan modul dari aspek tampilan, aspek penyajian materi, dan aspek manfaat mendapatkan persentase hasil sebesar 90,24 % termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan respon dosen terhadap penggunaan modul mendapatkan persentase rata-rata sebesar 93,91 % termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul vibration tester dapat menjadi bahan ajar pada mata kuliah pengetahuan alat ukur materi pengujian getaran mekanis pada kendaraan bermotor menggunakan vibration tester.
Kata kunci: Modul, vibration tester, alat ukur, validitas, respon.
The learning process in the subject of knowledge of measuring instruments, the final ability of mechanical vibration testing on motorized vehicles at the Mechanical Performance Testing Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Unesa, is less effective and efficient, due to the absence of a learning module on vibration tester test equipment. The purpose of this study was to develop a vibration tester module and determine its level of validity, as well as to determine the response of students and lecturers to the use of the vibration tester module.
The type of research is research and development (R&D). The development model used is the 4D model which consists of 4 stages, namely: 1) define, 2) design, 3) development, 4) disseminate. This model was chosen because it is easy to understand in a coherent manner, programmatically arranged and a systematic sequence of activities in an effort to solve a learning problem. The research subjects are students of the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program who are programming the measuring instrument knowledge course in 2021/2022. The assessment instruments are in the form of expert lecturer validation sheets and student and lecturer response questionnaire sheets. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive method.
The results of this study are the validity of the vibration tester module with an average validity value of 4.35 for each aspect including the valid category and if it is categorized as a percentage of the feasibility of the module getting a value of 87%, it is included in the very feasible category. The results of material expert validation are 4.33 including valid categories and the percentage of module eligibility of 87% is included in the very feasible category. Meanwhile, the results of the validation of linguists of 4.08 are included in the valid category and the percentage of module eligibility of 82% is included in the very feasible category. Then the results of the validation of the design experts of 4.64 are included in the very valid category and the percentage of module feasibility of 93% is included in the very feasible category. Student responses to the use of the module from the aspect of appearance, aspects of material presentation, and aspects of the benefits get the percentage of results of 90.24% included in the very good category. Meanwhile, the lecturer's response to the use of the module got an average percentage of 93.91% which was included in the very good category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the vibration tester module can be used as a teaching material in the knowledge course of measuring instruments for mechanical vibration testing in motorized vehicles using a vibration tester.
Keywords: Modules, Vibration Tester, Measuring Instrument, Validity, Response.