Faried. 2018. The Comparison of Ladder Drill In Out and Ickey Shuffle Exercise Effect
to Male Futsal Players Speed and Agility in Senior High School 1 Krian. Thesis,
Sport Education, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Advisers: (I)
Dr. Andun Sudijandoko, M. Kes., (II) Dr. Achmad Widodo, M. Kes.
words: Exercise, ladder drill in out, ickey shuffle, speed, agility.
Ladder drill is one of effective and
efficient exercise to increase speed and agility. Ladder drill is the best way
to increase speed and agility, coordination and amount speed.
The aim of the research are: 1)
Analyze the comparison of ladder drill in out effect on speed and agility
increase. 2) Analyze the comparison of ladder drill ickey shuffle effect on
speed and agility increase. 3) Analyze the comparison of ladder drill in out
and ickey shuffle on speed and agility increase.
This research is quantitative
research with appearance experiment method. The research plan use matching only
design with ANOVA to analyze the data. The data is collected by speed test with
30 meters sprint and agility test use agility T-test in pre-test and post-test.
The result of test analyze by using SPSS 21.0.
The result of the research are: 1)
There is effect of ladder drill in out to futsal extracurricular student’s speed
in average 5.06. 2) There is effect of ladder drill to futsal extracurricular
student’s agility in average 11.97. 3) There is effect of ladder drill ickey
shuffle to futsal extracurricular student’s speed in average 4.98. 4) There is
effect of ladder drill ickey shuffle to futsal extracurricular student’s
agility in average 11.66.
As the result there is significant
effect that caused by ladder drill in out and ickey shuffle to speed and
agility. From the paired sample T-test and there is significant comparison
between ladder drill in out and ickey shuffle to speed and agility increase
based on ANOVA test.