Hubungan antara Perceived Usefulness dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Pengguna Aplikasi Kesehatan X
The Correlation between Perceived Usefulness and Customer Satisfaction on Health Application X Users
The amount of downloads and transactions on health applications have increased drastically since the Covid-19 pandemic, of course there is no exception for health application X that got the most app users. The health application X users are dominated by the millennial generation which makes their satisfaction must be the number one priority. In customer satisfaction, performance may influence their satisfaction where they will likely be convinced if the work is good enough. One of the performances of a product can be shown by how customers recognize if the product is convenient or not. The term is called perceived usefulness. The aim of this research is to find out whether perceived usefulness is related to health application X customer satisfaction or not. With quantitative approach and convenience sampling, the customers that are studied in this research are those who were born in 1980-2000 or could be called millennials and have ever used the health app minimum twice in the last 1 year. Data were collected on 400 customers of health application X where the data was taken by questionnaire using a Likert scale as a research instrument which was arranged with 2 scales of each variable. The perceived usefulness scale has a reliability value of 0.951, while the customer satisfaction scale is 0.936. Data of this research were concluded with Pearson product moment correlation analysis with SPSS 23.0 software. Conducted analysis revealed that the relationship between perceived usefulness and customer satisfaction for health application X was significant by 0.000 of the significant rate and 0.763 of the Pearson correlation value whichever means such relationship of two variables shows a positive direction with a strong correlation level. It could also be perceived that the better the perceived usefulness, the better customer satisfaction is. Furthermore, if the perceived usefulness is bad, then customer satisfaction will be even worse.