Efektivitas Group Investigation Berbantu LabXchange Terhadap Hasil Belajar Transpor Membran
Effectiveness of Group Investigation Assisted by LabXchange on Membrane Transport Learning Outcomes
Group Investigation berbantu LabXchange merupakan kombinasi strategi pembelajaran berbasis penyelidikan secara berkelompok yang difasilitasi dengan visualisasi konsep melalui laboratorium virtual. Penelitian ini mengukur sejauh mana keefektifan atau keberhasilan strategi yang diterapkan mampu mecapai tujuan pembelajaran melalui indikator peningkatan pemahaman konsep, kemampuan kolaboratif dan keterampilan motorik, serta motivasi belajar peserta didik. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan keefektifan Group Investigation berbantu LabXchange terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar transpor membran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed methode dengan model sequential explanatory dan desain pendekatan kuantitatif one group pretest posttest. Hasil penelitian secara kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa strategi Group Investigation berbantu LabXchange efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar transpor membran pada ranah kognitif sebesar 82,9%, afektif 54,6%, dan psikomotorik 49,2%. Hasil tersebut diperkuat oleh analisis secara kualitatif bahwa keefektifan strategi Group Investigation berbantu LabXchange terhadap hasil belajar transpor membran dipengaruhi oleh 24% aktivitas diskusi aktif, 38% penyelidikan bermakna, dan 38% ilustrasi sederhana.
Kata Kunci: Keefektifan, Group Investigation, LabXchange, Hasil Belajar.
Group Investigation assisted by LabXchange is a combination of group investigation-based learning strategies facilitated by concept visualization through a virtual laboratory. This research measures the extent to which the effectiveness or success of the strategy implemented is able to achieve learning objectives through indicators of increasing conceptual understanding, collaborative abilities and motor skills, as well as students' learning motivation. Therefore, the aim of this research is to prove the effectiveness of Group Investigation assisted by LabXchange in improving membrane transport learning outcomes. The research method used is a mixed method with a sequential explanatory model and a one group pretest posttest quantitative approach design. Quantitative research results show that the Group Investigation strategy assisted by LabXchange is effective in increasing membrane transport learning outcomes in the cognitive domain by 82.9%, affective 54.6%, and psychomotor 49.2%. These results are strengthened by qualitative analysis that the effectiveness of the Group Investigation strategy assisted by LabXchange on membrane transport learning outcomes is influenced by 24% active discussion activities, 38% meaningful investigations, and 38% simple illustrations.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Group Investigation, LabXchange, Learning Outcomes.