Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Smartphone Materi Suhu dan Kalor Pembelajaran IPA Kelas 5 SD/MI
The Development of Smartphone –Based Interactive Multimedia on Temperature and Heat Science Learning Materials for 5th Grade of Elementary School/ Islamic Elementary School
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengembangkan media pembelajaran SuKa (Suhu dan Kalor) berupa multimedia interaktif berbasis smartphone materi suhu dan kalor pembelajaran IPA kelas 5 SD/MI serta untuk menguji kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektivan media yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall dengan batasan tahapan hanya 8 tahap, yaitu : potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, dan uji coba pemakaian dengan desain uji coba one group pretest – posttest. Kevalidan media ditunjukkan berdasaarkan hasil validasi materi memeroleh persentase sebesar 85,71% dengan katagori “sangat valid” dan hasil validasi media memeroleh persentase sebesar 88,57% dengan kaagori “sangat valid”. Kepraktisan media diperoleh dari hasil angket respon penggunaan media oleh peserta didik dan guru kelas 5 yang menunjukkan hasil persentase sebesar 70% oleh peserta didik dengan katagori “praktis” pada uji coba produk dan 85,69% dari respon peserta didik dan 86% dari respon guru kelas dan dari kedua persentase tersebut termasuk dalam katagori “sangat praktis” pada uji coba pemakaian. Sedangkan media pembelajaran SuKa dinyatakan efektif berdasarkan hasil Uji T sebesar 3,562 dengan taraf siginifikansi sebesar 5% dan df=N-1 (12-1)= 11 maka diketahui nilai t tabel sebear 2,201. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan media pembelajaran SuKa efektif karena nilai t hitung > t tabel = 3,562> 2,201.
Kata Kunci: multimedia interaktif, smartphone, suhu dan kalor
This study aims to develop SuKa learning media (Temperature and Heat) in the form of interactive multimedia based on smartphones with temperature and heat learning materials for science in 5th grade of elementary school and to test the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the resulting media. This study used the Borg and Gall development model with only 8 stages, namely: potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions, product trials, product revisions, and usage trials with one group pretest – posttest trial design. The validity of the media is shown based on the results of material validation getting a percentage of 85.71% with the category “very valid” and the results of media validation getting a percentage of 88.57% with the category “very valid”. The practicality of the media was obtained from the results of the questionnaire responses to the use of media by students and teachers of 5th grade which showed a percentage result of 70% by students in the “feasible” category in the product trials and 85.69% of students responses and 86% of teacher responses class and from the two percentage included in the “very feasible” category in the usage trial. While the SuKa learning media was declare effective based on the results of the T test of 3.562 with a significance level of 5% and df = N-1 (12-1) = 11, the t table value was 2.201. Therefor, it can be concluded that SuKa learning media is effective because the value of t count > t tabel = 3.562 >2.201.
Keywords: interactive multimedia, smartphone, temperatue and heat