Penciptaan ini berdasar dari sebuah fenomena bahwa kecantikan seringkali dianggap sebagai ukuran dalam penempatan kelas sosial perempuan di masyarakat. Berbagai kebudayaan di belahan dunia cenderung menilai citra perempuan dari aspek fisik, misalnya bentuk wajah dan tubuh. Pemikiran tentang standarisasi perempuan semakin berkembang kuat pada masyarakat, terutama semakin berkembangnya IPTEK. Dalam hal ini, manusia semakin mudah mengakses informasi seputar hal yang sedang menjadi tren di dunia. Kemajuan teknologi tidak hanya berdampak positif namun juga berdampak negatif dalam standarisasi kecantikan masyarakat. Misalnya, maraknya aksi body shaming (mempermalukan tubuh) baik secara verbal maupun non verbal. Media sosial (Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, dll) menjadi sarana utama terjadinya perundungan bentuk tubuh ini. Media sosial juga menciptakan figur-figur influencer dalam standarisasi kecantikan yang sempurna, sehingga tidak sedikit masyarakat yang terpengaruh untuk menjadi seperti figur influence-nya dan tidak sedikit pula yang merasa insecure hingga berujung mengalami stress akibat body shaming, hanya karena bentuk wajah atau tubuhnya jauh berbeda dari figur influence yang sedang diikuti banyak orang. Fenomena ini mendorong perupa untuk menciptakan karya “Citra Tubuh Perempuan Dalam Penciptaan Seni Tekstil” sebagai media mengekspresikan keresahan perupa serta wujud dukungan terhadap sesama prempuan untuk lebih mencintai dan menerima diri sendiri sesuai ketentuan yang Tuhan berikan.
Fokus penciptaan karya perupa yakni menggunakan seni kombinasi batik lukis dan seni sulam tangan pada media kain. Selain itu penciptaan karya visual yang perupa sajikan berfokus pada citra tubuh perempuan. Proses penciptaan karya, menggunakan kerangka metode dari Graham Wallas dengan mengelaborasikannya berdasarkan metode yang digunakan perupa melalui beberapa tahapanan meliputi persiapan, pengeraman, munculnya ilham, perwujudan karya, dan pengujian. Proses pembuatan karya menggunakan teknik batik yang dikombinasikan dengan sulam tangan.
Penciptaan karya diawali dengan pembuatan desain sebanyak 8 .buah. Selanjutnya, pemilihan desain dilakukan melalui diskusi dengan pembimbing. Proses perwujudan karya dengan teknik batik tulis dan menyulam pada bagian-bagian yang telah ditetapkan dalam desain. Karya yang dihasilkan sebanyak 4 buah masing-masing berukuran 130 cm x 90 cm, dengan judul “Be a Princess”, “ Perfect Me”, “My Body My Authority”, dan ”Love Self”.
Selama proses berkarya, perupa mengalami beberapa kendala. Namun dari hal tersebut perupa mendapatkan pembelajaran serta menemukan solusi sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai evaluasi penciptaan karya cipta yang akan datang.
Kata kunci : perempuan, body shaming, citra tubuh, seni tekstil
This creation is based on the phenomenon that beauty is often considered as a measure of the placement of women's social class in society. Various cultures around the world tend to judge the image of women from the physical aspect, such as face and body shape. The idea of standardization of women is growing stronger day by day. it is influenced by the development of science and technology so that it is easier for humans to access information about what is currently trending in the world. Basically, the development of science and technology not only brings many positive impact to human life but also has some negative impact in the society’s beauty standardization. Starting from body shaming both verbally and non verbally. It happens continously day after day and becomes a common thing in society. The social media has a crucial role of this issue. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter etc. already become a media for bullying each others. Unconciously, Social media already creates many beautiful figures as abenchmarks in beauty standardization. It is called as Influencer. Many people want to become beauty as the influencer that they knew. It creates the people idea that beauty is everything. It means that if you are not beauty, you will be bullied. It is caused so many people feels insecure of their shape. The conclusion is beauty standardization is based on the face and body shape. This phenomenon encorages the artist to create a masterpiece “ Female Body Image In The Textile Art Creation “ as a media to express the rejection of artist and as a support women in the world to love and accept themselves more in accordance with the provisions that God has given.
The focus of this works is stated on the using the art of a combination of batik painting and hand embroidery on cloth media. In addition, the creation of visual works that the artist presents focuses on the image of the female body. The method of this works uses framework from Graham Wallas by elaborating. It based on the method that used by the artist through several stages including preparation, incubation, the emergence of inspiration, the embodiment of the work, and testing. The process of creating works uses batik techniques that combined with hand embroidery.
The creation of the works begins with making 8 designs. Furthermore, the design is selected through the discussion with the supervisor. The process of embodiment of works with batik techniques and embroidering on the parts that have been set in the design. The works are 4 pieces each measuring 130 cm x 90 cm, with the titles "Be a Princess", "Perfect Me", "My Body My Authority", and "Love Self".
During the process of creating, the artist encountered several obstacles. However, the artists learn and find solutions so that it can be used as an evaluation of the creation of future works.