Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh peningkatan peminat bahasa Indonesia di dunia internasional, peningkatan fungsi bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa internasional secara bertahap, sistematis, dan berkelanjutan, diplomasi bahasa Indonesia di dunia internasional, dan diplomasi budaya Indonesia di dunia internasional yang telah dirancang ke dalam kompetensi pembelajaran BIPA tingkat pemula (A1 dan A2), tingkat madya (B1 dan B2), dan tingkat mahir (C1 dan C2). Penelitian ini berfokus pada pembelajaran BIPA tingkat pemula A2 yaitu dengan kompetensi capaiannya adalah menguasai keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia dengan tema wawasan budaya Indonesia, selain itu kurangnya ketersediaan media dalam pembelajaran BIPA menjadi kendala pelajar BIPA untuk menguasai materi pembelajaran. Satu di antara media yang dapat mengatasi kendala tersebut yaitu dengan media Pop Up Cultue Book.
Media Pop Up Cultue Book berbentuk seperti buku yang berisi pop up 3D dan teks bacaan bertema budaya Indonesia yang telah disesuaikan dengan materi oleh Kemendikbud, selain itu pop up culture book didesain berukuran 30x30 cm, dan dilengkapi speaker untuk menunjang keteramplan menyimak pelajar BIPA.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan media pop up culture book dan mendeskripsikan kualitas media pop up culture book dalam pembelajaran wawasan budaya Indonesia bagi pelajar BIPA Unesa.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan Research and Development (R&D) Borg and Gall yang telah disederhanakan sesuai kebutuan penelitian menjadi enam langkah yaitu, (1) pengumpulan data masalah, (2) desain produk, (3) produksi media, (4) validasi, (5) uji coba, dan (6) revisi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pelajar BIPA tingkat pemula A2 di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu, observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan tes.
Hasil penelitian terdiri atas dua data yaitu, proses pengembangan dan kualitas media pop up culture book. Proses pengembangan media pop up culture book telah selesai pada 15 November 2018, telah selesai divalidasi pada 22 November 2018, dan telah dilakukan uji coba pada 26—27 November 2018. Kualitas media pop up culture book terdiri atas tiga kriteria yaitu, kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Kevalidan media pop up culture book ditentuan melalui hasil validasi oleh validator ahli dan memperoleh persentase sebesar 85,5%, sehingga berkategori sangat valid. Kepraktisan media pop up culture book ditentukan dari hasil analisis lembar kuesioner respons pelajar tehadap media pembelajaran yang memperoleh persentase sebesar 73,4%, sehingga berkategori praktis. Keefektifan media pop up culture book ditentukan berdasarkan hasil tes keterampilan berbahasa yaitu, 1) keterampilan menyimak, 2) keterampilan membaca, 3) keterampilan menulis, dan 4) keterampilan berbicara. Hasil tes tersebut memperoleh persentase sebesar 79,4%, sehingga berkategori baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas media pop up culture book berkualitas dengan persentase sebesar 79,4%.
Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, pop up culture book, BIPA, wawasan budaya Indonesia
This research is motivated by an increase in the interest of Indonesian in the international world, an improvement of the function of Indonesian became the international language gradually, systematic and continuous, the diplomacy of Indonesian and the culture of Indonesia in the international world has been designed into beginner level of learning competencies (A1 and A2), intermediate level (B1 and B2), and advanced level (C1 and C2). This study focuses on the beginner level A2 of BIPA, with the competency objective is mastering Indonesian language skills with the theme of insight into Indonesian culture, besides that the lack of media availability in BIPA learning is an obstacle for BIPA students to master the subjects. One of the media that can overcome this obstacle is the Pop Up Culture Book media.
Pop Up Culture Book is shaped like a book containing 3D pop-ups and reading texts with Indonesian cultural themes that have been adapted to the material by the Ministry of Education and Culture, besides the pop-up culture book is designed to be 30x30 cm in size, and equipped with sound speaker in case to support performance.
This study aims to describe the process of developing pop up culture book media and to describe the quality of pop up culture book media in learning Indonesian cultural insights for Unesa’s BIPA students.
This study is a developing research of research and development (R & D) of Borg and Gall which has been simplified according to research requirements into six steps, i.e. (1) problem data collection, (2) product design, (3) media production, (4) validation, ( 5) trials, and (6) revisions. The subjects in this study were beginner A2 BIPA students at Surabaya State University. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests.
The results in this study consisted of two data, that is, the development process and the quality of the pop up culture book. The process of developing pop up culture book media was completed on November 15, 2018, has been validated on November 22, 2018, and has been tested on November 26-27 2018. The quality of pop up culture book media consists of three criteria, that is, validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The validity of pop up culture book is determined through the results of validation by the expert validators and obtaining a percentage of 85.5%, so the category is valid. The practicality of the pop up culture book was determined by the results of the questionnaire sheet analysis of student responses to learning media which received a percentage of 73.4%, so it was practically categorized. The effectiveness of pop up culture book was determined based on the results of language skills tests, that is, 1) listening skills, 2) reading skills, 3) writing skills, and 4) speaking skills. The results of the test obtained a percentage of 79.4%, so it was categorized as good. It can be concluded that the quality of quality pop up culture book media with a percentage of 79.4%.
Keywords: Development, pop up culture book, BIPA, Indonesian culture