Berlandaskan rumusan masalah peneliti merumuskan tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk menemukan hubungan antara organizational justice dengan work engagement pada karyawan PT. X Jombang. Lokasi penelitian berada di Perusahaan PT. X Jombang. Perusahaan ini sebagai perusahaan swasta nasional bergerak di bidang di bidang makanan olahan dan produk olahan (frozen food). Populasi pada PT. X terdapat 231 karyawan dengan karakteristik 209 orang sebagai karyawan produksi atau buruh sedangkan karyawan berjumlah 22 orang terdiri dari kumpulan staff. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 143 karyawan dengan hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu H0: tidak ada hubungan antara variabel organizational justice dengan work engagement pada karyawan PT. X Jombang dan H1: ada hubungan antara variabel organizational justice dengan work engagement pada karyawan PT. X Jombang. Setelah dilakukannya uji hipotesis didapatkan bahwa nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,001 dan diketahui hasil tabel uji hipotesis didapati nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,668. Dari kesimpulan tersebut dapat membuktikan bahwa (H1) tidak ditolak atau diterima: ada hubungan antara organizational justice dengan work engagement pada karyawan Pt. X Jombang.
Based on the formulation of the problem, the researcher formulated the research objective, namely to find a relationship between organizational justice and work engagement in PTX Jombang employees. The research location is in PT. X Jombang. This company as a national private company is engaged in the field of processed food and processed products (frozen food). Population at PT. X there are 231 employees with the characteristics of 209 people as production employees or laborers while the total of 22 employees consists of a group of staff. The research sample totaled 143 employees with the hypothesis proposed, namely H0: there is no relationship between organizational justice variables and work engagement at PT. X Jombang and H1: there is a relationship between organizational justice variables and work engagement among employees of PT. X Jombang. After testing the hypothesis, it was found that the significance value was 0.001 and it was found that the results of the hypothesis test table found a correlation coefficient value of 0.668. From these conclusions it can be proven that (H1) is neither rejected nor accepted: there is a relationship between Organizational Justice and Work Engagement at PT. X Jombang.