This study aims to describe the
form and symbolic meaning of the performing art (arak-arakan) in the
traditional ceremony of Kenduri bungah in Bedingin Village, Sambit District,
Ponorogo Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method
with a form and meaning approach. Data sources consist of person, paper, place.
Person include Marjuki as the village head, Prapno as an elder, And Andi as an
village artis. The paper used are books and scientific articlest that have
proven their credibility. The place used in this research is the Kambangrejo
Hamlet Mosque where the procession departs and in the weak gemplah of Bedingin
Village. Techniques for gathering data include observation, interviews, and
documentation. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and
drawing conclusions. In terms of proving the validity of the data, this is done
by using two triangulation techniques, namely source triangulation and method
triangulation.The results showed that the form of the performing art
(arak-arakan) consisted of structures and elements of art. The structure
contained in this performing art (arak-arakan) are the cucuk lampah, torch
bearers, gunungan, ambengan, and sholawat terbang players. The performing arts
elements contained in the performing art (arak-arakan) are performers, motions,
makeup and clothing music, venues, and organizer.The meaning of performing arts
can be seen from two meanings, namely discursive and presentatif meanings. Its
discursive meaning is to clean the village and ask for safety with a large
symbol of procession and feast. The presentatif meaning is the meaning
attachedto each element of the procession of performing arts, namely, a symbol
of prayersand gratitude to the creator so that it becomesa strong village, kept
away from danger and always of human being on the part of truth.
Keyword: Arak-arakan, Performing Arts Form, Symbolic