Special Allocation Funds (DAK) are funds originating
from the APBN which are allocated for certain regions with the aim of funding
special activities which are regional funds in accordance with national
priorities. DAK development is carried out so that DAK recipient districts /
cities can implement DAK in accordance with applicable regulations. The
development of DAK in the field of the National Road in East Java Province was
carried out by the East Java Province National Road Planning and Supervision
Work Unit. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of DAK
implementation guidance in the East Java Province National Road Planning and
Monitoring Work Unit.
This research is a qualitative desktiptif research.
Data collection is done in 3 (three) stages, namely through interviews, observation,
and documentation.
Analysis of qualitative data used in this
study includes 4 (four) stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data
presentation (display data), and conclusions / verification.
results of the study describe that the implementation of Guidance for the
Implementation of Special Allocation Funds (DAK), namely communication
indicators covering sub-indicators of transmission, clarity and consistency are
quite good. However, the transmission sub-indicator has constraints, namely
there is still information that has not been conveyed well to the party being
fostered. Indicators of resources including human resources, budgetary
resources, equipment resources and information resources and authority are good
enough but there are constraints on human resources, namely the frequent change
of staff who are fostered, namely the District / City Public Works Department
which causes late reporting DAK. Disposal indicators include sub-indicators of
recruitment and incentives that have constraints because special incentives for
DAK reporting employees are not given in all regions that affect the
disposition or attitude of the implementer. Indicators of bureaucratic
structure include Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and fragmentation that are
going well. With the existence of the PUPR PERMEN Number 21 of 2017 as the SOP
for DAK development while the fragmentation carried out by the East Java
National Road Planning and Supervision Work Unit in the form of coordination
and consultation with the DAK District / City Public Works Agency.
advice given is that it is expected that the East Java National Road Planning
and Supervision Work Unit provides technical guidance to the DAK District /
City DAK officers who change, and also given specific criteria for DAK coaches
or those who are fostered and incentives should be given equally.
Keywords: Implementation, Development of DAK