Mayangsari, Meyta. (2023). “Learner Autonomy in Distance Learning Course: Case Study of Indonesian EFL Senior High School Homeschoolers”. A thesis, Language and Literature Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisors: Syafi’ul Anam Ph.D and Dra. Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, M. Hum., M.A., Ph.D
Key Words : Autonomous Learning, Distance Learning, Homeschooling, Language skills, Learner Challenges
This study presents a report on the autonomous learning of senior high school homeschoolers who participate in a distance learning program. The study focuses on the autonomous learning activities experienced by homeschoolers, which are classified based on four English skill categories: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In promoting autonomous learning, homeschoolers also cope with the challenges encountered during their participation in the distance learning program. The researcher conducted a qualitative descriptive study, specifically employing a case study research approach. Data collection techniques included the use of instruments such as learning diary, small group discussion, and semi-structured interview. The findings revealed a total of 16 autonomous learning activities performed by homeschoolers. The result also indicated some challenges faced by them including lack of structure and accountability, limited social interaction, technical difficulties and connectivity issues, limited access to resources and support, self-motivation and time management. Homeschoolers cope with the identified challenges in a positive manner, such as building a supporting network, developing effective communication skills, managing their time effectively, adapting to technological challenges, seeking alternative learning resources, and practicing reflection and self-evaluation.