The increase in the number of tourists at Ngebel Lake in
2022 will reach 31%, which means that Ngebel Lake is in great demand by
tourists. In this case the Ponorogo Regency Government and Disbudparpora have a
very big role because they have facilitated the completeness of tourist
infrastructure at Ngebel Lake. The preservation of the environment and nature
at Ngebel Lake will provide satisfaction for tourists. Therefore, the
attractiveness of the Ngebel Lake tourist attraction continues to be improved
so that tourist satisfaction increases and increases tourist interest in
visiting. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of tourist
satisfaction with the attractiveness of the Ngebel Lake tourist attraction,
Ngebel District. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of tourist
satisfaction with the attractiveness of the Ngebel Lake tourist attraction,
Ngebel District.
This type of research uses the
Service Quality method with the dimensions of tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This research is located in the Ngebel
Lake tourist attraction, Ponorogo Regency. The population in this study were
tourists visiting Ngebel Lake. Accidental sampling with an unlimited number of
samples depending on the visitors who were met and willing to provide
information related to tourist satisfaction, and the number of respondents
received after filling out the questionnaire was 50 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation,
distributing questionnaires, and reviewing the literature. The data analysis used
is quantitative descriptive analysis.
The results of the tourist satisfaction score taken from
the results of the questionnaire show that tourists agree with the view (44%),
the neatness of the booth arrangement (44%), the completeness of the facilities
(68%), the service of the entrance staff (42%), information about the Ngebel
Lake tourist attraction (42%), cleanliness (56%), safety and comfort (46%),
friendliness of traders (56%) and staff (54%). However, tourist satisfaction is
neutral towards watercraft staff services (60%) and response to road
infrastructure improvements (56%). The results of Servqual calculations
processed on the Likert Scale, the total score for the level of tourist
satisfaction is 2029, with an average of 20%. The highest score in Servqual is
Tangibles with a score of 568 (28%). While the lowest Servqual score is
Responsiveness with a score of 334 (16.5%).
Keywords: Service Quality,
Tourist Satisfaction, Ngebel Lake