Uliyah, Musrifatul. 2020. Development of Blended
Learning Model with Approach of Contextual Teaching Learning (BCTL) to Improve
Interprofessional Collaboration and Procedural Knowledge in Basic Nursing
Course for Nursing Student. Dissertation. Study Program of Educational
Technology, Postgraduate Program of Surabaya State University. Supervisor (1)
Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd, and (2) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Contextual Teaching
Learning, Procedural Knowledge, Interprofessional Collaboration, Nursing
research used the model of Dick et al (2015). This model consisted of 10 steps.
The research instruments used tests and non-test. Instrument tests concerned to
the tool that used to measure procedural knowledge. The instrument in the form
of non-test that was related to BCTL model assessment rubrics and collaborative
capabilities. The test subjects were 56 students in the intervention group and
48 students in the control group who received basic nursing courses, Nursing
Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya.
Learning Contextual Teaching Learning (BCTL) was an integration, coordination
and adoption of Blended Learning with Contextual Teaching Learning that focuses
on product creation through contextual learning. BCTL was as a flexible,
integrative, contextual and collaborative model that was expected to build
learning practices that was capable of improving procedural knowledge and interprofessional
collaboration. This research aimed to produce a blended learning model with
approach of contextual teaching learning that can be reviewed from aspects of
model and device feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of BCTL model in
improving procedural knowledge and interprofessional collaboration in nursing
The results
showed that the BCTL model on aspects of model feasibility, Lesson plan of
learning tools, e-learning media, learning book tools, procedural knowledge,
and interprofessional collaboration were very feasible. The aspects of
practicality to the implementation of the BCTL model for student and lecturer
assessment that was very practical applied. The aspects of the effectiveness of
the BCTL model on procedural knowledge and interprofessional collaboration
showed that BCTL learning model was better than previous learning model that
indicated BCTL had the positive impact from the outside was expected