Inovasi pelayanan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Regional Jawa Timur merupakan aspek yang penting di bidang sektor investasi dan keuangan, sektor ini merupakan sektor yang penting dalam mengukur perekonomian di indonesia mengingat bursa saham adalah indikator ke 2 perekonomian setelah rupiah. Dalam permasalahan sebelumnya terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang dikeluhkan oleh sebagian investor yakni dengan sistem penawaran umum yang masih dilakukan secara manual menyebabkan beberapa keterbukaan informasi perusahaan yang akan IPO sangat minim informasi hal ini menyebabkan kesulitan untuk menjangkau para investor lain. Guna mewujudkan sistem pelayanan yang transparan dan efisien pihak Bursa Efek Indonesia menerbitkan sistem layanan webiste Electronic Initial Public Offering sebagai bentuk fitur penawaran umum terhadap perusahaan yang akan hadir di pasar perdagangan. Terkait pelayanan penawaran umum, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil Inovasi Layanan Electronic Initial Public Offering dalam penawaran umum di Bursa Efek Regional Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan fokus penelitian penggunakan pembentukan inovasi. Faktor kunci dalam pengaruh inovasi publik meliputi, antara lain : Tata kelola Inovasi, Sumber ide-ide untuk inovasi, Budaya inovasi, Kemampuan dan alat-alat, Tujuan, Hasil, Driver, dan hambatan, Mengumpulkan data inovasi tunggal. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa didalam 6 indikator penelitian terdapat berbagai temuan meliputi : Governance and innovation (tata kelola inovasi melipiuti tata kelola SOP dalam tugas dan sistem pelayanan Bursa Efek Regional Jawa Timur, Sumber Ide Inovasi meliputi adanya wadah pihak Bursa dalam menyediakan kritik dan saran sebagai bahan inovasi, Innovation Culture (budaya inovasi) pengguna dapat melakukan transaksi penawaran umum secara efisien dimanapun dan kapanpun melalui website Electronic Initial Public Offering, Objectives outcomes, drivers and obstacle meliputi tujuan inovasi dibuat serta hambatan yang terjadi berupa keluhan tentang pengunduran jadwal perusahaan yang akan IPO, penarikan dana pengguna yang terganggu , dalam menjadikan inovasi tunggal pihak bursa efek telah mensosialisasikan bekerja sama dengan beberapa influencer dan galeri investasi di Jawa Timur tentunya untuk pihak Bursa Efek diharap lebih meningkatkan dan memperbaiki regulasi terhadap jadwal perusahaan ipo pada website agar tidak terjadi kekecewaan terhadap pengguna E-IPO, serta diharapkan untuk meningkatkan layanan ke versi lebih baik dengan pembuatan berbentuk pada aplikasi playstore dan appstore.
Kata Kunci : Inovasi Pelayanan, Pembelian Saham, E-IPO
Service innovation at the East Java Regional Indonesian Stock Exchange is an important aspect in the investment and financial sector, this sector is an important sector in measuring the economy in Indonesia considering that the stock exchange is the second indicator of the economy after the rupiah. In the previous problem, there were several problems that some investors complained about, namely that the public offering system was still carried out manually, resulting in very little information disclosure for companies that were going to IPO, this made it difficult to reach other investors. In order to create a transparent and efficient service system, the Indonesian Stock Exchange has published an Electronic Initial Public Offering website service system as a form of public offering feature for companies that will be present on the trading market. Regarding public offering services, this research aims to describe the results of Electronic Initial Public Offering Service Innovation in public offerings on the East Java Regional Stock Exchange. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach with a research focus on the use of innovation formation. Key factors in the influence of public innovation include, among others: Innovation governance, Source of ideas for innovation, Innovation culture, Capabilities and tools, Goals, Results, Drivers and barriers, Collecting single innovation data. The data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that in the 6 research indicators there are various findings including: Governance and innovation (innovation governance includes SOP governance in the tasks and service systems of the East Java Regional Stock Exchange, Sources of Innovation Ideas include the existence of a forum for the Exchange to provide criticism and suggestions as material innovation, Innovation Culture (innovation culture) users can carry out public offering transactions efficiently anywhere and at any time via the Electronic Initial Public Offering website, Objectives outcomes, drivers and obstacles including the purpose of the innovation and obstacles that occur in the form of complaints about delays in the company's schedule for IPO, withdrawal of user funds was disrupted, in making this a single innovation the stock exchange has socialized it in collaboration with several influencers and investment galleries in East Java. Of course, the Stock Exchange is expected to further improve and improve regulations regarding IPO company schedules on the website so that there is no disappointment for E users. -IPO, and is expected to upgrade the service to a better version by creating forms in the Playstore and Appstore applications.
Keywords: Service Innovation, Share Purchase, E-IPO