(Studi Kasus Depan PT. Miwon Indonesia)
Ruas Jalan Raya Driyorejo merupakan jalan utama untuk distribusi dengan menggunakan kendaraan berat, karena banyak didapati pabrik-pabrik besar di sepanjang ruas Jalan Raya Driyorejo. Ruas Jalan Raya Driyorejo merupakan sistem jaringan jalan primer yang menghubungkan antar kota. Hambatan samping sangat mempengaruhi tingkat pelayanan disuatu ruas jalan, pada jam-jam tertentu sering terjadi kemacetan, disamping itu ada faktor lain yaitu volume kendaraan yang melebihi kapasitas jalan dan pusat kegiatan distribusi dari beberapa pabrik-pabrik besar tentu membutuhkan porsi jalan yang lebih besar, karena faktor tersebut mempengaruhi kelancaran arus lalu lintas dan kinerja di ruas Jalan Raya Driyorejo.
Berpijak dari permasalahan diatas, penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan guna mengetahui pengaruh kendaraan berat terhadap kinerja lalu-lintas di ruas Jalan Raya Driyorejo berdasarkan volume kendaraan, kecepatan kendaraan, geometrik jalan dan hambatan samping. Data yang didapatkan dari survei secara langsung dilapangan kemudian diolah berdasarkan Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (PKJI) 2014.
Hasil dari perhitungan diketahui volume lalu-lintas tertinggi sebesar 2513 skr/jam, volume hambatan samping tertinggi 4002 kejadian/jam, nilai kapasitas (CO) sebesar 2295,93 skr/jam, dan derajat kejenuhan (DJ) sebesar 1,095. Nilai DJ yang didapat menentukan tingkat pelayanan (LOS) ruas Jalan Raya Driyorejo yaitu kriteria jalan F.
Kata Kunci: Derajat Kejenuhan (DS), Kapasitas (C), Jalan Raya Driyorejo, Tingkat Pelayanan (LOS), Volume, Kendaraan Berat
Jalan Raya Driyorejo is the main road for distribution using heavy vehicles, because there are many large factories along Jalan Raya Driyorejo. Jalan Raya Driyorejo is a primary road network system that connects cities. Side barriers greatly affect the level of service on a road section, at certain hours congestion often occurs, besides that there are other factors, namely the volume of vehicles that exceed the capacity of the road and the distribution center of several large factories certainly requires a larger portion of the road, because these factors affect the smooth flow of traffic and performance on Jalan Raya Driyorejo
Based on the problems above, it is important to conduct this research to determine the effect of heavy vehicles on traffic performance on Jalan Raya Driyorejo based on vehicle volume, vehicle speed, road geometry and side friction. Data obtained from direct surveys in the field were then processed based on the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI).
The results of the calculation show that the highest traffic volume is 2513 cur/hour, the highest side friction volume is 4002 incidents/hour, the capacity value (CO) is 2295.93 cur/hour, and the degree of saturation (DJ) is 1.095. The DJ value obtained determines the level of service (LOS) for the Jalan Raya Driyorejo section, namely the criteria for road F.
Keywords: Degree of Saturation (DS), Capacity (C), Jalan Raya Driyorejo, Level of Service (LOS)