Pengembangan Soal Tes HOTS Berbasis Quizizz pada Materi Bumbu dan Rempah untuk Siswa SMK Kuliner Fase E
Development of HOTS-Based Test Question Quizizz on Herbs and Spices for Students of SMK Culinary Phase E
Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan yang menghasilkan produk soal tes HOTS berbentuk pilihan ganda yang dikemas pada Quizizz. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengasilkan soal HOTS dasar-dasar kuliner pada materi bumbu dan rempah berbentuk pilihan ganda dengan Quizizz. Menggunakan penelitian pengembangan 4-D. Instrumen yang digunakan validasi dari 3 orang judgment exspert dan validitas empiris dari siswa yang dianalisis dengan Ms. Excel. Subjek yaitu 59 siswa kelas X Kulier SMKN 1 Cerme. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 1) judgment exspert rata-rata 89,70 % (Sangat layak). 2) Hasil uji coba 40 soal terdapat 29 soal valid dan 11 soal tidak valid, Reliabilitas soal 0,81 (sangat layak), daya beda soal sebanyak 15 soal kriteria baik dan 11 soal kriteria cukup, tingkat kesukaran 12 soal kriteria sedang dan 21 soal kriteria mudah, pengecoh soal 20 soal kriteria sangat baik. Waktu mengerjakan butir soal paling lama 52 detik dan cepat 22 detik. Sehingga hasil uji butir soal siswa memberikan hasil baik pada pengembangan soal HOTS berbantuan Quizizz.
Kata Kunci : Soal tes, HOTS, Instrumen Penilaian, Quizizz
This research includes development research which produces HOTS test questions in the form of multiple choice packages in Quizizz. The research aims to produce HOTS questions on the culinary basics of herbs and spices in the form of multiple choices with Quizizz. They are Using 4-D development research. The instrument used was validated by 3 judgment experts and empirical validity from students who were analyzed by Ms. Excel. The subjects were 59 class X students at SMKN 1 Cerme. The research results show 1) expert judgment on average 89.70% (Very feasible). 2) The results of the trial of 40 questions contained 29 valid questions and 11 invalid questions, the reliability of the questions was 0.81 (very decent), the differentiability of the questions was 15 questions with good criteria and 11 questions with sufficient criteria, the difficulty level was 12 questions with medium criteria and 21 questions easy criteria, distractor questions 20 questions very good criteria. The longest time to complete the questions is 52 seconds and the fastest is 22 seconds. So that the results of student test items provide good results in the development of HOTS questions assisted by Quizizz.
Keywords: Test questions, HOTS, Assessment Instrument, Quizizz