Development of E-Book Journalistic Training Materials to Improve Social
Competence and Procedural Application in Making Digital School Magazines for
Middle School Students
This research is a development research by applying the ADDIE development
model. The model consists of five stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development,
Implementation, Evaluation.
This study aims to (1) determine the feasibility of E-books for journalistic
training materials in making digital school magazines, (2) determine the
effectiveness of E-books for journalistic training materials to improve social
competency skills in making digital school magazines, (3) determine the
effectiveness of E-books journalism training material book to improve procedural
skills in making digital school magazines.
This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Magetan with the study
population being members of the SNESMA BERSERI school magazine consisting
of 15 respondents. The sampling procedure in this study used a purposive sampling
technique, in which each subject taken from the population was chosen deliberately
based on objectives and considerations.
The data collection procedure required in this study uses two methods: (1) the
questionnaire method, which aims to obtain social competency data. (2) observation
method, aims to obtain data about students' procedural abilities after following the
treatment. the data analysis technique used is the N-Gain test.
The results of this development research show that (1) E-book media
journalistic training materials are appropriate for use in making digital school
magazines, (2) E-book media journalistic training materials are effective for
increasing social competency skills in making digital school magazines, (3) media
E-book journalism training material is effective for improving procedural skills in
making digital school magazines.