Name : Agitvian
Nur Salsabila
Number : 1702154051
Program : S1 Music Art
Department :
Dramatic, Dance, and Music Art
Faculty : Faculty of Languange and Art
University : State University
of Surabaya
Advisor : Harpang Yudha
Karyawanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Year : 2022
Keywords: Classical Music, Canon
Melody, Canon In D Major, C.J Pachelbel
This study refers to the
analysis of the melodic form of Canon in D Major by J.C. Pachelbel as one of
the greatest musical works of the Baroque period found in the German manuscript
Musikalische Ergötzung. The purpose of the analysis is an attempt to determine
the possibility of the originality of the melodic form as introduced by J.C.
Pachelbel. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative based on data
obtained from observations and interviews. Then it is reduced and presented
through the analysis of musical forms to produce discussions and conclusions.
The results of the discussion show that Canon Pachelbel is a musical work that
has the concept of an imitation or imitation melody form, there is a Leader
melody as the main melody and a Follower melody as an imitation melody with the
provision of interval and rhythm transformations. Canon's melodies are sourced
from three instruments Violin and Basso Continuo classical Bass melody as a
determinant of imitation of the melody, has a time signature of Common Time or
4⁄4 type with a total of 57 bars and a tempo of 52 BPM. The conclusion is the
originality of the musical form Canon in D Major introduced by J.C. Pachelbel
with 13 Canon melodic motifs featuring the Violin Leader in changing motifs on
bars 1-6; bars 7-10; bars 11-14; bars 15-18; bars 19-22; bars 23-26; bars
27-30; bars 31-34; bars 35-38; bars 39-42; bars 43-46; bar 47-52 and finally at
bar 53-57.