Muhammad Syariffuddien Zuhrie. 2023. Use of Educational Robotic Based
Learning System to Stimulate Computational Thinking, Critical Thinking, and
Contest-Oriented Collaborative Skills. Comprehensive Paper, Vocational
Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University.
Promoter: 1) Prof. Dr. Ekohariadi, M.Pd.., dan (II) Prof. Dr. I Gusti Putu Asto
Buditjahjanto, S.T., M.T.
Key Words: Educational Robotic Based Learning System, Computational
Thinking Skill, Critical Thinking Skill, Collaborative Skills
This study aims to examine the effect of computational thinking skills,
critical thinking skills and collaborative thinking skills on learning outcomes
through educational robotic based learning systems. The sample in this study
were 150 respondents, all of whom were FT students at Surabaya State
University. The research data were obtained from the results of filling out the
questionnaire and were analyzed quantitatively using the PLS SEM analysis
technique with the help of the SmartPLS program.
The results of this study indicate that (1) critical thinking skills
have a positive effect on educational robotic based learning systems, (2)
computational thinking skills have a positive effect on educational robotic
based learning systems, (3) collaborative skills have a positive effect on
educational robotic based learning systems, ( 4) critical thinking skills have
a positive effect on learning outcomes, (5) Computation Thinking Skill has a
positive effect on learning outcomes, (6) Collaboration Skills have a positive
effect on learning outcomes, (7) educational robotic based learning system has
a positive effect on learning outcomes, (8) ) educational robotic based
learning system is able to mediate the effect of critical thinking skills on
learning outcomes, (9) educational robotic based learning system is able to
mediate the effect of computational thinking skills on learning outcomes, and
(10) educational robotic based learning system is able to mediate the effect of
collaborative skills on outcomes Study.