Literature is a product of creative works of art whose objects are humans with all their problems and are delivered in a distinctive language and contain aesthetic value. The purpose of this study is to solve the following problems: To describe the form of self-actualization of the main character Ip Man in Fù Lìwěi's film Ip Man and Four Kings《叶问之九龙城寨》 using Abraham Maslow's humanistic psychology perspective on basic needs. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive method. This type of qualitative research is research that does not use calculations but tends to use analysis. The data analysis phase includes: watching and understanding the entire film, recording dialogue, monologue, and behavior, translating the dialogue from Mandarin into Indonesian, validating the data on the film that has been recorded by researchers to experts. The results of the analysis show that self actualization in the main character is in accordance with its characteristics, namely, acceptance of oneself, others, and nature, spontaneous, simple, and natural, problem centered, separation and need for privacy, freshness and appreciation, peak experience, interest. social, democratic character, philosophical sense of humor, and rejection of enculturation. Then the actualization form consists of 9 parts, namely, Ip Man has a view of life to keep practicing his self defense with firmness and composure when successfully fighting and talking to his enemies. He also has a sense of ambition and responsibility to meet the Jiulong city lord and clear his martial reputation, as well as logical thinking, tough, thorough in solving problems and in his martial movements, the innocence of which is seen when some guests arrive who he does not know.
Keywords: social psychology, self actualization, Ip Man and Four Kings film.