Sulam tangan adalah karya seni yang memiliki daya saing tinggi. Pengerjaannya membutuhkan proses yang tidak sebentar dan media yang tidak murah tetapi memiliki harga jual yang tinggi. Maka dari itu, perlu penguatan berkarya sulam agar sulaman tetap bertahan dan memperluas peminat. Salah satu sekolah yang menerapkan karya sulam sebagai capaian pembelajarannya adalah SMKN 12 Surabaya yang memiliki kompetensi keahlian terdiri dari seni pertunjukan, seni rupa, teknik komputer dan informatika, hingga desain dan produk kreatif kriya. Salah satu jurusannya yakni Kriya Tekstil. Pada jurusan ini, kegiatan menyulam merupakan salah satu materi di mata pelajaran jahit yang wajib dikuasai. Jurusan Kriya Tekstil khususnya materi sulam tangan masih menggunakan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab, perlunya media buku ajar yang dapat membantu proses pembelajaran lebih efektif dan maksimal. Adanya buku ajar sulam fantasi membantu peserta didik dalam mengeksplor kreatifitasnya dalam berkarya sulam fantasi.
Tujuan dalam penelitian yakni: (1) Mendeskripsikan proses pembuatan buku ajar sulam fantasi; (2) Mendeskripsikan hasil pembuatan buku ajar sulam fantasi; (3) Mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan efektifitas buku ajar sulam fantasi terhadap peserta didik.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development dengan sembilan tahap yang telah disederhanakan, yakni tahap identifikasi potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain produk pertama, revisi desain produk, validasi desain produk kedua, uji coba terbatas, revisi produk, dan uji coba pemakaian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dengan guru mata pelajaran, instrumen atau angket pada peserta didik kelas XI Kriya Tekstil 1, guru mata pelajaran, ahli materi dan media, serta dokumentasi. Analisis Validitas data menggunakan metode triangulasi data untuk mengecek kesesuaian antara hasil observasi, wawancara, angket, dan dokumentasi yang diperoleh saat penelitian berlangsung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan data di lapangan, proses pembuatan buku ajar selama dua bulan. Pembuatan desain buku ajar selama satu bulan menggunakan aplikasi autodesk dan canva. Sedangkan tahap revisi buku ajar setelah validasi selama satu bulan. Setelah tahap revisi buku ajar selesai, dilanjutkan untuk diterapkan pada peserta didik.
Proses penerapan buku ajar sulam fantasi menghabiskan waktu selama satu bulan proses penyelesaian penelitian di SMKN 12 Surabaya dengan satu minggu dua pertemuan yang melibatkan 34 peserta didik sebagai subjek penelitian. Buku ajar sulam fantasi diterapkan dengan metode tanya jawab dan berkarya. Metode tanya jawab untuk mengulas materi yang ada pada buku ajar sulam fantasi untuk peserta didik. Setelah itu peserta didik membuat satu karya sulam fantasi dengan medianya. Hasil perolehan data efektifitas buku ajar sulam fantasi terhadap peserta didik berupa angket dan karya peserta didik. Perolehan angket digunakan untuk memperoleh kritik dari guru dan peserta didik selama proses revisi uku ajar. Hasil karya peserta didik dinilai sesuai kisi-kisi penilaian, sehingga hasil karya peserta didik terukur. Efektifitas buku ajar sulam fantasi dianggap tercapai karena peserta didik berhasil menerapkan karya sulam fantasi sesuai panduan buku ajar sulam fantasi.
Kesimpulan pembuatan buku ajar sulam fantasi pada peserta didik di kelas XI Tekstil 1 di SMKN 12 Surabaya telah dilakukan, untuk penilaian validasi materi dipresentasekan 100%, artinya layak dari segi materi buku ajar sulam, kemudian pada tahap validasi media, menghasilkan presentase 65%, sehingga diperlukan revisi. Setelah revisi, dilakukan validasi media kedua, yang menghasilkan presentase 87,5%. Berarti dalam segi desain buku ajar sulam telah layak diujicobakan pada peserta didik.
Hasil presentase uji coba terbatas peserta didik berjumlah 81% dari lima peserta didik. Sedangkan hasil presentase respon guru pada uji coba terbatas berjumlah 90%, yang artinya buku ajar berkategori baik sehingga layak untuk diuji coba pemakaian. Pada uji coba pemakaian, penilaian dibagi menjadi aspek pemahaman dan berkarya; dalam presentase aspek pemahaman, mendapat skor 79,5%, dan aspek berkarya sebanyak 86,5%. Dari keseluruhan presentase, menghasilkan presentase di atas 75%, berkategori baik, sehingga buku ajar sulam telah layak dan efektif digunakan pada proses pembelajaran.
Kata Kunci : Buku Ajar, Tekstil, Sulam Fantasi
Handmade embroidery is a work of art with high competitiveness. The process requires a long process and media that are not cheap but have high selling price is high. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the work of embroidery so that embroidery can survive and expand enthusiasts. One of the schools that applies for embroidery work as a learning achievement is SMKN 12 Surabaya which has expertise in performing arts, fine arts, computer engineering and informatics to design and creative craft products. One of the majors is Textile Craft. In this department, embroidery activities are one of the materials in sewing subjects that must be mastered. The Department of Textile Crafts, especially hand embroidery materials, still use the lecture and question and answer method, so textbook media can be needed to help the learning process more effectively and optimally. The topic of making fantasy embroidery textbooks is because students can explore their creativity in making fantasy embroidery.
The objectives of the research are: (1) To describe the process of making embroidery textbooks using fantasy embroidery techniques; (2) To Describe the results of making embroidery textbooks with fantasy embroidery techniques; (3) Know and describing the effectiveness of embroidery textbooks with fantasy embroidery techniques on students.
The research method used is Research and Development with nine simplified stages: potential and problem identification, data collection, product design, product design validation, product design revision, second product design validation, limited trials, product revisions, and usage trial. Data were collected through observation, interviews with subject teachers, instruments or questionnaires for students in class XI Textile Craft 1, subject teachers, material and media experts, and documentation. Data validity analysis used the data triangulation method to check the suitability between the results of observations, interviews, questionnaires and documentation obtained during the research.
Based on the results of research and data in the field, the process of making textbooks took two months. Creating a textbook design for one month using the Autodesk and Canva applications. While the revision stage of textbooks after validation for one month. After the textbook revision stage is completed, it is continued to be applied to students.
The process of implementing the fantasy embroidery textbook took one month to complete the research at SMKN 12 Surabaya with one week and two meetings involving 34 students as research subjects. Fantasy embroidery textbooks are applied using the question and answer method and work. Question and answer method to review the material in fantasy embroidery textbooks for students. After that the students made a fantasy embroidery work with the media.
The results of obtaining data on the effectiveness of fantasy embroidery textbooks on students were in the form of questionnaires and students' work. Obtaining a questionnaire is used to obtain criticism from teachers and students during the textbook revision process. The students' work is assessed according to the assessment grid, so that the student's work is measurable. The effectiveness of fantasy embroidery textbooks was considered achieved because students succeeded in applying fantasy embroidery works according to the guidelines for fantasy embroidery textbooks.
The conclusion of making embroidery textbooks with fantasy embroidery techniques for students in class XI Textile 1 at SMKN 12 Surabaya has been carried out for the material validation assessment presented 100%, meaning that it is feasible in terms of embroidery textbook material. At the media validation stage, it produces a percentage of 65%, so revision is needed. After revision, a second media validation is carried out, which produces a percentage of 87.5%. This means that in terms of embroidery textbook design, it is feasible to be tested on students. The results of the limited trial percentage of students amounted to 81% of the five students. In comparison, the percentage results of the teacher's response to the limited trial amounted to 90%, meaning the textbook is in a suitable category. Hence, it is worthy of being tested for use. In the usage trial, the assessment was divided into aspects of understanding and work; in percentage terms, the understanding aspect scored 79.5%, and the work aspect was as much as 86.5%. From the overall percentage, it produces a percentage above 75%, which is in the excellent category, so embroidery textbooks are appropriate and effective for use in the learning process.
Keyword: Textbook Making, Textile, Fantasi Embroidery