Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT Dengan Metode Game-Based Learning Materi Statistika
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena materi matematika sering dianggap sebagai konsep yang sulit dan abstrak, sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk memfasilitasi pemahaman siswa. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya media dan metode pembelajaran yang menarik sebagai sarana penunjang dalam proses belajar. Penggunaan perangkat elektronik yang semakin meluas, menarik banyak perhatian untuk menggunakan metode game-based learning sebagai salah satu alternatif metode pembelajaran dengan dipadukan media pembelajaran berbasis ICT. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeksripsikan proses pengembangan media pembelajaran dan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan.
Penelitian ini merujuk pada model pengembangan ADDIE Lee & Owens yang terdiri dari 5 tahapan yaitu analysis(needs assessments & front-end analysis), design, development, implementation, dan evaluation. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari validator dan siswa kelas X SMA. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan skala likert 4 pilihan yang kemudian dikonversikan menjadi persentase menurut kriteria kualitas yang digunakan peneliti.
Pada tahap analysis dilakukan needs assesments untuk mengumpulkan data dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. Kemudian front-end analysis bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengguna, teknologi, tujuan, kejadian penting, situasi, dan media sehingga data yang terkumpul menjadi acuan untuk harapan pengembangan media. Tahap design dilakukan penetapan materi statistika, navigasi, flowchart, dan storyboard, serta soal-soal yang nantinya dimasukkan ke media pembelajaran. Tahap development berisi proses merealisasikan media yang dibuat melalui aplikasi unity serta validasi instrumen (lembar validasi, pre-test, post-test dan angket respon pengguna) oleh dua ahli media dan dua ahli materi. Tahap implementation dilakukan uji coba lapangan pada enam siswa kelas X SMA Swasta Sidoarjo yang terdiri dari 3 laki-laki dan 3 perempuan serta pengisian angket responden siswa. Tahap evaluation terdiri dari 3 level yaitu level 1 reaksi, level 2 pengetahuan, dan level 3 hasil. Pada tahap ini dilakukan penilaian hasil validasi dari validator ahli media dengan hasil 74,29% layak dan ahli materi dengan hasil 75.5% cukup layak sebagai evaluasi level 2 pengetahuan, kemudian penilaian hasil angket responden siswa sebagai evaluasi level 1 reaksi yaitu 80,97% dan penilaian level 3 hasil, didapatkan dari hasil pre-test dan post-test. Setelah itu, dijumlahkan rata-rata penilaian setiap aspek dari seluruh penilaian validator dan angket respon siswa untuk menentukan kualitas media yang dihasilkan yaitu 76,75% sehingga menurut kualitas produk yang dihasilkan adalah layak.
This research is motivated by the fact that mathematics material is often considered as a difficult and abstract concept, thus requiring efforts to facilitate students' understanding. Therefore, there is a need for attractive media and learning methods as supportive means in the learning process. The widespread use of electronic devices has drawn attention to the use of game-based learning methods as an alternative teaching method, combined with ICT-based learning media. The aim of this research is to describe the process of developing learning media and the quality of the resulting product. This study refers to the ADDIE Lee & Owens development model, which consists of five stages: analysis (needs assessments & front-end analysis), design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research subjects consist of validators and 10th-grade high school students. The instruments used are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use a 4-option Likert scale, which is then converted into percentages based on the quality criteria used by the researcher. In the analysis stage, needs assessments are conducted to collect data through observation and interviews. Then, front-end analysis aims to analyze users, technology, objectives, important events, situations, and media, so that the collected data becomes a reference for media development expectations. The design stage involves determining statistics materials, navigation, flowcharts, storyboards, and questions to be included in the learning media. The development stage includes the process of realizing the created media using the Unity application, as well as instrument validation (validation sheet, pre-test, post-test, and user response questionnaire) by two media experts and two subject matter experts. The implementation stage involves field testing with six students from a private high school in Sidoarjo, consisting of three males and three females, as well as the completion of student respondent questionnaires. The evaluation stage consists of three levels: Level 1 reaction, Level 2 knowledge, and Level 3 results. In this stage, the validation results from media experts are assessed, yielding a 75,5% feasibility score, while subject matter experts rated it 74,29% as fairly feasible for Level 2 knowledge evaluation. Additionally, student respondent questionnaires were evaluated for Level 1 reaction 80,97% and Level 3 result assessments, based on the pre-test and post-test results. Finally, the average ratings for each aspect of all validator assessments and student response questionnaires were summed to determine the quality of the resulting media, which was determined to be 76,75%, indicating that the quality of the produced product is deemed feasible.
This research is motivated by the fact that mathematics material is often considered as a difficult and abstract concept, thus requiring efforts to facilitate students' understanding. Therefore, there is a need for attractive media and learning methods as supportive means in the learning process. The widespread use of electronic devices has drawn attention to the use of game-based learning methods as an alternative teaching method, combined with ICT-based learning media. The aim of this research is to describe the process of developing learning media and the quality of the resulting product.
This study refers to the ADDIE Lee & Owens development model, which consists of five stages: analysis (needs assessments & front-end analysis), design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research subjects consist of validators and 10th-grade high school students. The instruments used are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use a 4-option Likert scale, which is then converted into percentages based on the quality criteria used by the researcher.
In the analysis stage, needs assessments are conducted to collect data through observation and interviews. Then, front-end analysis aims to analyze users, technology, objectives, important events, situations, and media, so that the collected data becomes a reference for media development expectations. The design stage involves determining statistics materials, navigation, flowcharts, storyboards, and questions to be included in the learning media. The development stage includes the process of realizing the created media using the Unity application, as well as instrument validation (validation sheet, pre-test, post-test, and user response questionnaire) by two media experts and two subject matter experts. The implementation stage involves field testing with six students from a private high school in Sidoarjo, consisting of three males and three females, as well as the completion of student respondent questionnaires. The evaluation stage consists of three levels: Level 1 reaction, Level 2 knowledge, and Level 3 results. In this stage, the validation results from media experts are assessed, yielding a 75,5% feasibility score, while subject matter experts rated it 74,29% as fairly feasible for Level 2 knowledge evaluation. Additionally, student respondent questionnaires were evaluated for Level 1 reaction 80,97% and Level 3 result assessments, based on the pre-test and post-test results. Finally, the average ratings for each aspect of all validator assessments and student response questionnaires were summed to determine the quality of the resulting media, which was determined to be 76,75%, indicating that the quality of the produced product is deemed feasible.