Exploring Online Self-Assessment of Grammar in English Lessons in an International Class Program of a Junior High School in Gresik
Mengeksplorasi Penilaian Diri Online tentang Grammar dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Program Kelas Internasional SMP di Gresik
Sa’adah, Fitriyatus. 2022. Exploring Online Self-Assessment of Grammar in English Lessons in an International Class Program of a Junior High School in Gresik. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Ahmad Munir, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. dan (II) Syafi’ul Anam, Ph.D.
Kata kunci: penilaian diri daring, tata bahasa, ICP (Program Kelas Internasional)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi praktik penilaian mandiri secara daring pada kelas tata bahasa di ICP SMP swasta di Gresik, Indonesia. Praktik pembelajaran hybrid karena situasi pasca-pandemi membuat para siswa perlu menilai diri mereka sendiri melalui platform daring, dalam hal ini adalah Moodle. Penelitian ini mencakup eksplorasi tentang langkah-langkah guru untuk melatih siswa melakukan penilaian diri di Moodle sebagai Learning Management System (LMS), cara siswa untuk melakukan penilaian diri di Moodle sebagai LMS, dan sikap siswa dalam mempraktikkan penilaian diri melalui Moodle sebagai LMS. Observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara dilakukan dalam penelitian ini untuk memperoleh data. Observasi diadakan di dua kelas ICP, yang terdiri dari dua puluh lima siswa kelas sembilan di setiap kelas. Dokumentasi dilakukan untuk memeriksa bagaimana mereka melakukan penilaian diri. Terakhir, wawancara diikuti oleh tiga belas siswa yang sengaja dipilih berdasarkan hasil penilaian diri. Akhirnya, data yang dikumpulkan, dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian.
Pertama, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa guru melakukan tujuh langkah untuk melatih siswa menilai diri mereka sendiri. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, guru memulai pelatihan dengan (1) menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan penilaian diri; (2) mengkaji materi; (3) meminta siswa untuk melakukan penilaian diri; (4) memberikan contoh pelaksanaan penilaian diri; (5) memeriksa hasil penilaian diri siswa; (6) memberikan penjelasan bagaimana melakukan penilaian diri di Moodle; dan (7) memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa. Kedua, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa siswa mempraktikkan penilaian diri dengan membuat jurnal di kelas. Dalam jurnal tersebut, mereka menulis narasi yang menceritakan pengalaman mereka dalam mempelajari materi. Selain itu, mereka juga menguraikan kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka saat memahami materi pembelajaran. Akhirnya, terdapat dua sikap siswa yang ditemukan: positif dan negatif. Hanya sedikit siswa yang memiliki sikap negatif terhadap aktivitas penilaian diri karena mereka berpikir bahwa penilaian diri tidak efektif untuk proses belajar. Namun, sebagian besar siswa memiliki sikap positif terhadap praktik tersebut karena mereka menikmati kegiatan tersebut dan berpikir bahwa itu bermanfaat bagi pembelajaran mereka.
Sa’adah, Fitriyatus. 2022. Exploring Online Self-Assessment of Grammar in English Lessons in an International Class Program of a Junior High School in Gresik. Thesis, Study Program of Language and Literature Education, Postgraduate Program of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisors: (I) Ahmad Munir, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. and (II) Syafi’ul Anam, Ph.D.
Keywords: online self-assessment, grammar, ICP (International Class Program)
This study aims to investigate the practice of online self-assessment in the grammar course of International Classroom Program (ICP) of a private junior high school in Gresik, Indonesia. The practice of hybrid classroom due to post-pandemic situation made the students need to assess themselves through an online platform, in this case is Moodle. This study embraced the exploration on the teachers’ steps to train the students to do self-assessment in the Moodle as Learning Management System (LMS), the students’ ways to do the self-assessment in the Moodle as the LMS, and the students’ attitudes in practicing self-assessment via Moodle as the LMS. Observation, documentation, and interview were conducted in this study to acquire the data. The observations were held in two classes of ICP, which consist of twenty-five ninth graders each classroom. Documentation was accomplished toward the results of the students’ self-assessment to check how they do the project. Lastly, thirteen students participated in the interviews, purposively selected based on their self-assessment results. Finally, the data collected were analyzed qualitatively to achieve the research goal.
First, this study found that the teachers do seven steps to train the students to assess themselves. Based on the observation results, the teachers begin the training by (1) explaining how to do a self-assessment; (2) reviewing the materials; (3) asking the students to practice self-assessment; (4) giving examples of making self-assessment; (5) checking the student's work; (6) giving an explanation how to do self-assessment in Moodle; and (7) giving feedback to the students. Second, this study also discovers that the students practice self-assessment by creating a journal in the classroom. In the journal, they wrote a narration telling their experiences learning the materials. Besides, they also elaborate on their strengths and weaknesses while understanding the learning materials. Finally, the attitudes of the students were discovered to be positive and negative. Few students had negative attitudes to self-assessment activity since they think it is ineffective for their learning process. However, most students had positive attitudes to the practice since they enjoy the activity and think it is beneficial for their learning.