This development research aims to describe the effectiveness of using audiovisual
learning media in the form of an animated video entitled Drops of Rain by Indonesian
Fairy Tales to improve the writing skills of fifth grade elementary school students on
learning material theme 8, sub-theme 3, learning 1. The research w as conducted using
method 4 -D (Four D) with several stages, including: analysis of potential and
problems, data collection, planning stage, product validation, product testing, and
product assessment. The results of the research that have been carried out show that the
use of audiovisual learning media in the form of an animated video entitled Drops of
Rainwater gets a score of 87.5% of media validity, and a score of 96% of material
validity. And in the trial, the students experienced a significant improve ment in their
writing skills. This proves that the audiovisual learning media in the form of an
animated video entitled Drops of Rain is valid for improving the writing skills of fifth
grade elementary school students.