Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning; 2) mendeskripsikan problem solving ability fisika peserta didik setelah diterapkan model problem based learning; dan 3) mendeskripsikan respon peserta didik setelah diterapkan model problem based learning. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pre-experimental design dengan rancangan one-group pre-test post-test design. Subjek penelitian ini menggunakan 3 kelas, yaitu kelas eksperimen, kelas replikasi I, dan kelas replikasi II yang diberi perlakuan sama yaitu diterapkan model problem based learning. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan problem solving peserta didik terdiri dari soal uraian dengan pendekatan masalah kontekstual. Data yang diperoleh hasil pre-test dan post-test yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan n-gain, uji t-berpasangan, ANOVA, serta analisis angket respon peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) terlaksana dengan baik; 2) problem solving ability fisika peserta didik dapat dilatihkan melalui pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model problem based learning. Peningkatan dapat dilihat melalui hasil dari skor n-gain, uji-t, dan ANOVA. Kemampuan problem solving fisika peserta didik dikatakan dilatihkan dengan peningkatan secara signifikan pada α sebesar 5%, dilihat dari nilai n-gain berada pada kategori sedang, dan rata-rata peningkatan ketiga kelas konsisten; 3) peserta didik menyetujui pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning untuk melatihkan problem solving ability fisika peserta didik pada materi usaha dan energi.
Kata Kunci : problem based learning, problem solving ability, permasalahan kontekstual, usaha dan energi
This study aims to 1) describe the implementation of learning with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model; 2) describe the improvement of physics problem solving ability after the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model is applied; and 3) describe the response of students after problem based learning model is applied. The type of research used is pre-experimental design with one-group pre-test post-test design. The subjects of this study uses 3 classes, namely with experimental class, replication class I, replication class II which were given the same treatment. The instrument used to measure students’ problem-soving ability of description problems with contextual problem approach. The data were obtained the results of the pre-test and post-test that were analyzed using n-gain score, paired-t test, ANOVA, and analysis questionnare response of students. The results showed that 1) the implementation of learning with the problem based learning model was well implemented; 2) students’ physics problem-solving ability can be trained through the implementation of learning with the Problem Based Learning model. The improvement from the results of n-gain score, paired-t test, and ANOVA. Students’ physics problem-solving ability are said to be practiced with a significant increase in α of 5%, seen from the n-gain score is the medium category, and the average increase in three classes is consistent; 3) students' response are agree to the implementation of learning with the problem based learning model to practice student’ physics problem-solving ability on work and energy.
Keywords : problem based learning, physics problem-solving ability, contextual problem, work and energy