Tujuan penelitian menganalisis secara kuantitatif pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung masing-masing variabel fisiologi, statistik permainan terhadap winning shot dan perolehan poin selama bertanding dan diperkuat dengan analisis secara kualitatif hasil penerapan pola permaian selama bertanding.
Jenis Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kombinasi dengan desain concurrent embedded. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria mahasiswa yang notabene memiliki prestasi dan pengalaman mengikuti kejuaraan internasional yang berjumlah 16 orang atau 8 pasangan. Pertandingan yang dilaksanakan menggunakan full competition system. Fokus penelitian ini pada analisis jalur dengan menggunakan metode trimming. Hasil terakhir dari analisis jalur yang digunakan diperkuat dengan hasil analisis kualitatif selama. Analisis yang digunakan selama pertandingan meliputi notational analysis dari hasil video rekaman pertandingan dan HRoG masing-masing pemain dicatat setiap 30 detik selama pertandingan.
Hasil penelitian dari analisis regresi ini secara keseluruhan mengalami perubahan model analisis karena adanya salah satu variabel eksogen yang tidak signifkan terhadap variabel endogen. Model 2 sub struktur I menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan antara variabel %Max HR dan %anaerobic system terhadap HRoG dengan sig. 0.000<0.05. Pada model 2 sub struktur II terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel power lengan terhadap peningkatan number shot dengan sig. 0.02<0.05. Model 1 sub struktur III terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel HRoG terhadap rally time dengan sig. 0.00<0.05. Model 2 sub struktur IV terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara variabel error, number shot dan rest time terhadap winning shot dengan sig. 0.00<0.05. selanjutnya model 2 sub struktur V terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara variabel error, rally time, dan rest time terhadap poin dengan sig. 0.00<0.05.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil di atas menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari variabel %Max HR dan %anaerobic system terhadap HRoG sebesar 76%. Terdapat pengaruh langsung variabel power lengan terhadap peningkatan number shot sebesar 32.8%. terdapat pengaruh langsung variabel rest time terhadap rally time sebesar 47.3%. Terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung variabel error, number shot dan rest time terhadap winning shot sebesar 96.6%. terdapat pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung variabel rest time, rally time, dan error terhadap peningkatan poin sebesar 97.3%.
This study is a quantitative analysis of the direct as well as an indirect effect on each variable of physical, physiological, and game statistics toward point attainment during the match. The qualitative analysis of game pattern during the match then complement the analysis of the research.
This study is combined method research that included concurrent embedded. The purposive sampling draws 16 elite student-athletes as eight men's double team in the State University of Surabaya who had experienced international student's badminton championship. The data obtained by a full competition system that employed tournament software.
The focus of this study is on the path analysis using the trimming method. The result has been complemented by the qualitative analysis on a notational game statistic from the video recorded during the match and heart rate on the game that took into account every 30 seconds during the match.
There were changes from the regression analysis because of one of the exogenous variables shown an insignificant result on the endogenous one. The model 2, sub-structure I showed that there was a significant influence between %Max HR and %anaerob system on HRoG with sig. 0.000<0.05. On model 2 sub-structure II, the number shot had increased due to the significant influence of arm power with sig 0.02<0.05. Model 1 sub-structure III shown that there was a significant influence of HRoG on rally time with sig. 0.00<0.05. Model 2 sub-structure IV shown that there was a significant influence on error, the number shot, and rest time on winning shot with sig. 0.00<0.05. Furthermore, model 2 substructure V shown that there was a significant influence of error, rally time, and rest time on points with sig. 0.00<0.05.
Thus, this study has shown that there is both a direct and indirect effect of %Max HR and %anaerobic system on HRoG for 76%. In detail, the direct impact of arm power has increased the number shot for 32.8%. Further, rally time is impacted by HRoG for 47.3%. Moreover, error, the number shot, and rest time are directly and indirectly influenced winning shot for 96.6%. Lastly, the points are increased by 97.3% due to both direct and indirectly influenced by rest time, rally time, and error.