Examining Time Disruption on Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris Movie: Magical Realism Study
A well written movie directed by Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris (2011), successfully reached marvelous achievement by obtaining 93% on Rotten Tomatoes and massive audiences. It’s success to appeal people’s eyes and this whimsy movie can steal anybody’s emotion. In order to understand this phenomenal movie, this paper focuses studying the time disruption which is shown by Gil Pender journey in Midnight in Paris based on the magical realism elements from a book titled Ordinary Enchantments Magical Realism and Remystification of Narrative by Wendy B. The aim is for analyzing time disruption causes by Gil Pender action along this movie. Time disruption happens between two eras and makes the disruption on time stamps on this movie. Magical realism sees this as an usual matter, this study shows that the journey of Gil Pender causes and fixes the time stamps itself on Midnight in Paris (2011) movie.