Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menunjukan rasio perbedaan tingkat kemampuan penalaran kuantitatif antara peserta didik laki-laki serta peserta didik perempuan yang cukup signifikan. Sedang kerangka referensi merujuk pada serangkaian tindakan mental yang melaluinya individu dapat mengatur proses dan produk dari penalaran kuantitatif. Oleh karenanya, ada dua tujuan utama dari penelitian ini, (1) untuk menunjukkan ada atau tidak-nya perbedaan produk penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi antara peserta didik perempuan dan peserta didik laki-laki, dan (2) untuk mendeskripsikan proses penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi antara siswa lakki-laki dan siswa perempuan. Menggunakan Sequential Mixed Methods terutama strategi eksplanatoris sekuensial penelitian ini mengkaji 58 orang siswa kelas VIII SMP. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua fase, yaitu fase kuantitatif dan fase kualitatif. Fase kuantitatif meliputi analisis data statistik menggunakan uji Mann Withney Test untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan produk penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Fase kualitatif meliputi, deskripsi proses penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan yakni ada perbedaan produk penalaran kuantitatif siswa laki-laki dan perempuan hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil uji statistik pada fase kuantitatif, sedangkan fase kualitatif menemukan bahwa siswa laki-laki lebih dapat menganalisis rumus/formula yang ditentukan menurut hasil interpretasinya sendiri terhadap informasi yang diberikan secara implisit maupun eksplisit dalam soal disbanding siswa perempuan. Perbedaan lain dalam menyelesaikan soal yaitu siswa laki-laki cenderung menggunakan metode aljabar dengan menyusun dan menyelesaikan persamaan linear suatu variabel sedangkan siswa perempuan cenderung menggunakan metode perbandingan dengan membuat rasio perbandingan.
The results of previous studies showed that the ratio of the differences in the level of quantitative reasoning abilities between male students and female students was quite significant. While the frame of reference refers to a series of mental actions through which individuals can regulate the processes and products of quantitative reasoning. Therefore, there are two main objectives of this study, (1) to show whether or not there are differences in quantitative reasoning products using a frame of reference between male and female students, and (2) to describe the process of quantitative reasoning using a frame of reference between male and female students. male students and female students. Using the Sequential Mixed Methods, especially the sequential explanatory strategy, this study examined 58 students of class VIII junior high school. This research was conducted in two phases, namely the quantitative phase and the qualitative phase. The quantitative phase includes statistical data analysis using the Mann Withney Test to determine whether there are differences in the product of quantitative reasoning using the frame of reference for male and female students. The qualitative phase includes a description of the quantitative reasoning process using a frame of reference for male and female students. The results showed that there were differences in the quantitative reasoning products of male and female students, this was indicated by the results of statistical tests in the quantitative phase, while the qualitative phase found that male students were better able to formulate a formula that was determined based on the results of their own interpretation of the information provided given implicitly or explicitly in the questions compared to female students. Another difference in solving problems is that male students tend to use the algebraic method by compiling and solving linear equations of one variable, while female students tend to use the comparison method by making comparison ratios.