Sexual education is defined as a form of effort to teach, raise awareness and explain sexual
problems to children. Socialization of sexual education is important as a form of effort to avoid
deviations that are now increasingly prevalent and provide protection for children. One of them is the
increasing number of early marriages in Ponorogo Regency in 2020. The increase in the number of
early marriages is triggered by one of the factors, namely premarital pregnancy at an early age. In the
families of female migrant workers, the male parents should play this role. The construction of male
parents on sexual education which is still a taboo and sensitive issue makes sexual education not a
priority. This study aims to analyze the process of social construction of parents of men and women's
sexual education in the families of migrant workers in Babadan District, Ponorogo Regency. This
study uses qualitative research methods with the social construction perspective of Peter L. Berger.
Research informants are male parents of female migrant worker families who have daughters aged
11–18 years. The results in this study indicate that there are different constructs between each parent
which are influenced by experience and information received. However, on the whole, parents
understand and interpret that sexual education is not just teaching about sexual relations. Parents also
have the notion that education is teaching about ethics in getting along with the opposite sex, teaching
about sex identity, teaching about the private body, to teaching development and caring for the body.
Parents get a new assumption about the construction of sexual education for girls, but at the
internalization stage, male parents do not actualize their knowledge.
Keywords: Social Construction, Sexual Education, Male Parents, Parenting, Migrant Worker