Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan evaluasi hasil belajar dan tingkat kebugaran jasmani peserta didik pada masa pandemi covid-19 di SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi yang digunakan yaitu siswa kelas XI dengan sampel berjumlah 34 peserta didik dari kelas XI IPA 3. Sampel dalam kajian ini diperoleh menggunakan teknik probability dengan jenis random sampling, yang diperoleh secara acak dari anggota populasi tanpa melihat kedudukan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan hasil rapor semester ganjil 2020/2021 dan multistage fitness test (MFT) yang mengacu pada norma dari buku BrianMac seorang pelatih olahraga untuk mengukur tingkat kebugaran jasmani. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif, kemudian menghitung dan mengelompokkannya untuk mendapatkan rangkaian data menggunakan persentase, serta tingkat kebugaran jasmani disesuaikan dengan norma MFT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar peserta didik memperoleh nilai diatas KKM, sejumlah 26 peserta didik memperoleh hasil belajar dengan predikat baik dan 8 peserta didik memperoleh hasil belajar dengan predikat cukup. Tingkat kebugaran jasmani keseluruhan 34 peserta didik masih dalam kategori sangat kurang, terdapat 3 anak yang termasuk dalam kategori kurang dengan persentase 8,8% dan sebanyak 31 anak termasuk dalam kategori sangat kurang dengan persentase 91,2%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar peserta didik pada masa pandemi tidak sebanding dengan tingkat kebugaran jasmani peserta didik yang sangat kurang.
Kata Kunci: hasil belajar; tingkat kebugaran jasmani; pandemi covid-19
This study aims to describe the evaluation of learning outcomes and the level of physical fitness of students during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari. The approach used was a quantitative approach with descriptive research type. The population used was class XI students with a sample of 34 students from class XI IPA 3. This study obtained a sample using a probability technique with the type of random sampling, which was obtained randomly from members of the population regardless of position. The data collection technique used the results of the 2020/2021 odd semester report cards and the multistage fitness test (MFT) which refers to the norms from Brian Mac's book, a sports coach to measured physical fitness levels. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics, then calculated and groups them to got a data series used percentages, and the level of physical fitness was adjusted to the MFT norm. The results showed that the learning outcomes of students obtained scores above the KKM, a total of 26 students obtained learning outcomes with good predicates and eight students obtained learning outcomes with sufficient predicates. The overall physical fitness level of 34 students was still in the very poor category, there three children who were included in the less category with a percentage of 8.8% and as many as 31 children were included in the very poor category with a percentage of 91.2%. It could be concluded that the learning outcomes of students during the pandemic were not comparable to the level of physical fitness of students who were very lacking.
Keywords: learning outcomes; physical fitness level; covid-19 pandemic