Mahfudhoh, Syahda Umroh . 2019. The Development of Cooperative Learning
Tools with Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Types to Overcome Students’
Mathematical Anxiety in Algebraic form Material for The Seventh Grades of
Junior High School Students. Thesis, Mathematics Education Program,
Postgraduate State University of Surabaya. Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Dwi Juniati,
M. Si., dan (II) Dr. Agung Lukito, M.S.
Keywords : Cooperative
Teaching Equipment, Teams Games Tournament (TGT), Mathematics Anxiety.
research aims to describe processes and products of developing the TGT-types
cooperative learning with good quality. That learning focused on teaching
algebraic forms for seventh graders. Furthermore, this research also describes
the effectiveness of the TGT-type cooperative learning in overcoming students’
mathematics anxiety.
development research used ADDIE model consisting of five stages, that is
analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research
involved two classes each consists of thirty-two students. One of the classes
was used to be the implementation group. The products of this research include
lesson plans, student worksheets, material of the tournament, and achievement test.
The results
of descriptive analysis show that the developed products had good quality
because it satisfied validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The products
are valid because every aspect receives score 3 at least in scale 1 to 4. The
achievement test is valid, reliable, and sensitive. The products are practical
since teacher’s activity in managing a series of lessons are classified as good
and students’ activity as active. The products are effective since students’
respond on the products and on the learning activities are categorized as
positive, learning mastery is reached classically, and students’ mathematics
anxiety overcome.
The results
of descriptive analysis in the implementation class, show that TGT-types cooperative
learning on algebraic forms is effective to overcome students’ mathematics
anxiety. The effectiveness is known from the ability of the teacher to manage
the learning process is classified good, students’ activities in learning as
effective, the students’ responses as positive; and the classical learning mastery
by 90,6%. Moreover, the students’ mathematics anxiety problem in learning is
overcome by 100%.