Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengembangkaninstrumenpenilaianberbasis HOTS (higher order thinking skills). Hasil pengembangan pada penelitianiniberupainstrumentes yang dikemasmenggunakan google form. Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmetodepenelitian dan pengembangandenganversipengembanganSugiyono. Subjekdalampenelitianiniadalahseluruhsiswakelas XI jurusan OTK Humas dan Keprotokolansebanyak 30 siswa. Instrumenpenelitianmeliputipedomanwawancara, lembarvalidasiahliuntukmengetahuikualitassoal, dan lembarresponsiswa yang diujianalisiskuantitatif dan kualitatif. Analisiskuantitatifdiperolehdarihasilanalisisbutirsoal yang terdiridarivaliditas, reliabilitas, tingkatkesukaransoal, dayapembedasoal, pengecoh, analisiskemampuanberpikirtingkattinggi dan lembarresponsiswa, dalamanalisiskualitatif uji data rata-rata persentasenyasebesar 87,7% termasukdalamkategori “Kuat”, pengujiankuantitatifpengembanganinstrumenmelaluisoalpilihangandasebanyak 30 soalmelalui google form diperoleh 22 soalberkategori “valid” dan 8 soalberkategori “tidak valid”.
Kata kunci:kemampuanberpikirtingkattinggi (HOTS); pengujianinstrumenpenilaian HOTS
The purpose of this research is to develop an assessment instrument based on HOTS (higher order thinking skills). The results of the development in this study were in the form of a test instrument packaged using a google form. The method used in this study is a research and development method with the development version of Sugiyono. The subjects in this study were all students of class XI majoring in Public Relations and Protocol OTK as many as 30 students. The research instruments include interview guidelines, expert validation sheets to determine the quality of the questions, and student response sheets that were tested for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was obtained from the results of item analysis consisting of validity, reliability, level of difficulty of questions, discriminating power of questions, distractors, analysis of higher-order thinking skills and student response sheets, in qualitative analysis of test data the average percentage was 87.7% including in the "Strong" category, quantitative testing of instrument development through multiple choice questions as many as 30 questions through google form obtained 22 questions in the "valid" category and 8 questions in the "invalid" category.
Keywords: higher order thinking ability (HOTS); HOTS . assessment instrument testing