Life in the 21st century requires individuals to have
hard skills and soft skills, one of which is critical thinking skills. Critical
thinking skills can be improved by using the right LKPD and learning model.
This study aims to obtain the feasibility of liveworksheet-based POGIL
interactive e-LKPD to improve students' critical thinking skills on reaction
rate material in terms of validity, practicality, and effectiveness criteria. This
type of research is research and development (RnD) using the ADDIE development
model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) without going
through the implementation stage.. In the development stage, a limited trial
was conducted on 20 students of class XI IPA 7 SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. Validity
was obtained from the validation sheet filled by 3 validators, 2 chemistry
lecturers Unesa and chemistry teacher SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. Based on the
validation sheet in terms of the feasibility of content, presentation,
language, and design has a mode score ≥ 3 so it is declared valid. Practicality
was obtained from a response questionnaire filled by 20 students of XI IPA 7
SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. Based on the response questionnaire, the overall level
of practicality of the developed POGIL interactive E-LKPD was 89.09% (very
practice). In addition, the
practicality of the media is also supported by the student activity observation
sheet filled in by 3 observers and getting mode =1. Effectiveness is obtained
from the pretest and posttest of critical thinking skills and supported by the
pretest and posttest of students' learning outcomes. Based on the critical
thinking skills test, the N-gain value is obtained, namely: (1) Interpretation 0,929, (2) Analysis 0,722,
(3) Evaluation 0,694, (4) Inference 0,556, and (5) Explanation 0,933. In
addition, the data from the skills test results were analyzed using the paired
sample t-test and obtained a significance value of 0, so it can be concluded
that there is an increase in students' critical thinking skills in reaction
rate material after using POGIL interactive e-worksheet learning media. Learning
outcomes test data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and a
probability value of 0 was obtained, it can be concluded that there is an
increase in student learning outcomes in reaction rate material after using
POGIL interactive E-LKPD learning media. Based on the results of validity,
practicality, and effectivity, the developed POGIL interactive e-worksheet is said to be feasible.