Natural Attractions Tretes Waterfall in Jombang Regency and Watuondo Waterfall in Mojokerto
Regency is the embodiment of the
utilization block of Raden Soerjo Forest Park area. According to the data of
the number of visits from 2016 to
2020, there is a difference in the number of visitors where Watuondo Waterfall
reached 94,978 and Tretes Waterfall
reached 35,285 over a five years period. The aim of this research is to
determine: 1) difference in attraction level,
2) difference in accessibility level, 3) difference in condition level of
supporting facilities, 4) difference in the motivation
of tourists visiting and, 5) promotions conducted by the manager of Tretes and Watuondo Waterfalls.
study uses a survey method with quantitative descriptive exposure. Data retrieval techniques are accidental
sampling techniques with a sample number of 30 respondents for Tretes Waterfall
and 70 respondents for Watuondo
Waterfall, as well as 2 managers of natural attractions. Data collection
techniques are: 1) interviews to obtain
promotional data from the manager, 2) questionnaires to obtain data on tourist attractions, accessibility, supporting facilities, and tourist
motivation from tourists, and 3) documentation in the form of data on the
number of visitors of each attraction
over the past five years and also data on the state of the situation related to
the attraction. Data analysis techniques using Independent Sample T-test and Scoring.
The results show that: 1) there is no
difference in tourist attraction between Tretes Waterfall and Watuondo Waterfall, 2) there is a difference in
tourist accessibility between Tretes Waterfall and Watuondo Waterfall, where
the accessibility in Watuondo is
better, 3) there are differences in supporting facilities between Tretes
Waterfall and Watuondo Waterfall,
where supporting facilities in Watuondo are better, 4) there is no difference
in tourist motivation between Tretes
Waterfall and Watuondo Waterfall, 5) the promotion of Tretes Waterfall and
Watuondo Waterfall is classified as a good category.
Keywords: waterfalls, tourist
attractions, accessibility, supporting facilities, tourist motivation, promotion.