Hasil Jadi Dress Dengan Teknik Subtraction Pattern Dengan Metode Tunnel Dan Metode Ping
Dress's Product Result Using Subtraction Technique With Tunnel And Ping Metods
Subtraction pattern adalah proses pembuatan pola busana dengan pemotongan bahan yang dilakukan secara minim menggunakan teknik seperti membuat lubang pada selembar kain yang dapat dilakukan dengan cara melipat atau membalik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil jadi dress yang paling baik ditinjau dari aspek bentuk, aspek gelombang (flare), aspek daya pakai, aspek proporsi, dan aspek pusat perhatian (center of interest). Jenis penelitian menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner online melalui googleform oleh 32 responden terdiri dari 4 panelis ahli (dosen) tata busana Unesa dan 28 mahasiswa tata busana Unesa angkatan 2018, dengan menggunakan analisis data deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Aspek bentuk dress yang paling disukai adalah hasil jadi dress pada desain 1 sebesar 71,88% responden, (2) Pada aspek gelombang (flare) desain 1 memperoleh 59,38% responden, (3) Pada aspek daya pakai desain 2 memperoleh 53,13% responden, (4) Pada aspek proporsi dress 1 memperoleh 71,88% responden, (5) Aspek pusat perhatian (center of interest) desain 1 memperoleh 62,50% responden. Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil jadi dress yang paling baik ditinjau dari kelima aspek adalah desain 1 dengan menunjukkan kriteria baik pada empat aspek yaitu aspek bentuk, aspek gelombang (flare), aspek proporsi, dan aspek pusat perhatian (center of interest).
Subtraction pattern is the process of making a fashion pattern with minimal material cutting, using techniques such as making holes in a piece of cloth that can be done by folding or flipping. The purpose of this study is to know the best dress by considering shape aspect, flare aspect, usability aspect, proportion aspect, and center of interest aspect. This study is descriptive quantitative research. The researcher used online questionnaires (google form) for 32 participants consist of 4 expert panelist of Unesa’s fashion lecturers and 28 Unesa’s fashion students class of 2018, using percentage descriptive data analysis. Furthermore, the results of application of the tunnel and ping methods on the dress with subtraction pattern technique. It was considered by five aspects: First, shape aspect was the one of preffered aspect. The result of the design 1 was 71. 88%, included in good criteria. Second, flare aspect, the result of this aspect in design 1 was 59.38%, poor criteria. Next aspect was usability which had 53.13% in design 2, poor criteria. Moreover, Propotion Aspect had 71.88% for design 1, included in good criteria. The last but not least, center of interest aspect. The result showed that design 1 had 62.50%. Its included in good criteria. Based on the discussion above, it could be concluded that the best dress was design 1 by considering five aspects. It got good criteria in shape aspect, flare aspect, proportion aspect, and center of interest aspect.