Banyaknya ruang seni yang mulai tumbang dalam mempertahankan eksistensinya diiringi dengan meningkatnya trend dan gaya hidup pada generasi Gen-Z serta populernya digital platform memicu lahirnya art space. Strategi tata kelola penting dikaji karena meningkatnya kebutuhan terhadap art space yang sepadan bagi para seniman maupun komunitas dalam menjalankan aktivitas kreatifnya. Landasan teoretik penelitian ini meliputi teori medan sosial seni oleh Mikke Susanto (2011), teori manajemen seni oleh Byrnes (2022) dan teori analisis strategi oleh Lidia Varbanova (2013) . Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan kajian dokumen. Metode analisis data model deduktif dan analisis SWOT melalui IFAS dan EFAS. Penelitian ini menghasilkan (1) Pola manajemen seni meliputi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, pengimplementasian dan pengawasan (2) strategi program artistik yang dipakai yaitu menciptakan citra ruang seni yang unik, sebagai pembelajaran pengalaman estetik bagi generasi muda, sebagai the power of collaboration, promotion melalui kemitraan, dan community ownership; (3) Berdasarkan matrik SWOT menghasilkan strategi partnership, strategi perluasan partisipasi public dan kontribusi pada perubahan sosial, serta strategi peningkatan pendapatan atau profit dari program dan aktivitas.
Lots of art spaces that have begun to collapse in order to maintain their existence is are accompanied by increasing trends and lifestyles in the Gen-Z generation as well as the popularity of digital platforms, triggering the emersion of art spaces. The management strategy is important to study because of the increasing need for a commensurate art space for artists and the community in carrying out their creative activities. The theoretical basis of this research includes the theory of the social field of art by Mikke Susanto (2011), the theory of arts management by Byrnes (2022) and the theory of strategy analysis by Lidia Varbanova (2013). Descriptive qualitative research method with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and document review. Deductive model data analysis method and SWOT analysis through IFAS and EFAS. This research resulted in (1) patterns of art management including planning, organizing, directing, implementing and supervising (2) the artistic program strategy used is to create a unique art space image, as an aesthetic learning experience for the younger generation, as the power of collaboration, promotion through partnerships, and community ownership; (3) Based on the SWOT matrix, it produces a partnership strategy, a strategy for expanding public participation and contributing to social change, as well as a strategy for increasing income or profits from programs and activities.