Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan ditemukan kemampuan kognitif konsep bilangan anak kelompok A1 Usia 4-5 Tahun di TK Idaha labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya masih rendah, permasalahan tersebut dapat timbul karena kurangnya proses pembelajaran yang memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada anak serta media yang kurang menarik. Solusi yang diberikan yaitu penggunaan media puzzle angka dua keping terhadap kemampuan kognitif konsep bilangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media puzzle angka dua keping terhadap kognitif mengenal konsep bilangan anak kelompok A1 di TK Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif pre-experimental design, jenis penelitian One-Group Prestest and Post-Test. Subjek penelitian ini anak kelompok A1 di TK Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya sebanyak 20 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan statistik non-parametrik uji jenjang bertanda wilcoxon yang menunjang pembuktian adanya pengaruh antar dua variabel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian rata-rata skor sebelum treatment adalah 7,5 dan setelah treatmet adalah 10, 9. Hasil uji jenjang bertanda wilcoxon menunjukan Thitung adalah 0 dan Ttabel adalah 52 dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Simpulan bahwa ada pengaruh media puzzle angka dua keping, terhadap kemampuan kognitif konsep bilangan pada anak kelompok A1di TK Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya.
Kata Kunci: puzzle angka, kognitif konsep bilangan.
The results of the preliminary study conducted found the cognitive abilities of the concept of the number of groups of children A1 Ages 4-5 Years in TK Idaha Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya is still low, the problems can arise due to lack of learning processes that provide direct experience to children and less attractive media. The solution given is the use of a two-piece media puzzle for the cognitive ability of the number concept. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of two-piece puzzle media on cognitive recognition of the concept of child numbers in group A1 in the Kindergarten Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative pre-experimental design approach, the type of One-Group Prestest and Post-Test research. The subjects of this study were A1 children in the Idhata Labschool Kindergarten Unesa Ketintang Surabaya as many as 20 children. The data collection technique of this research is observation and documentation. Data analysis using non parametric statistics level test marked wilcoxon which supports the proof of the influence between two variables. Based on the results of the study the average score before treatment was 7.5 and after the treatment was 10, 9. The results of the level test marked wilcoxon showed that Tcount was 0 and T table was 52 with a significance level of 5%. Conclusion that there is the influence of two-piece puzzle media, on the cognitive ability of the concept of numbers in A1 group children in the TK Idhata Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya.
Keywords: Number Puzzle, Cognitive Number Concept.