The aluminum recycling industry in Bakalan Village, Sumobito District,
Jombang Regency is prone to causing problems for the environment. The result of
observations and interviews with local residents, that the smelting process
causes an unpleasant odor and dust causes pain in the eyes. The research was
conducted with the aim of knowing 1) Adaptations made by the community in dealing
with environmental changes due to the existence of the aluminum recycling
industry 2) The factors that cause people to stay around the aluminum recycling
This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The
location of this research is precisely in Bakalan Village, Sumobito District,
Jombang Regency. The object of this research is the residents of Bakalan
Village consisting of 1 key informant, namely the Bakalan Village Head and 9
supporting informants, namely Bakalan
Village residents who live close to the aluminum recycling industry.
Determination of informants in this study was done by purposive sampling. Data
collection techniques by conducting observations, interviews, and
documentation. The data analysis techniques went through three stages, namely
data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification.
The results showed 1) Physical adaptation by closing the
respiratory tract, closing the doors and windows of the house, and planting
vegetation. 2) Social adaptation carried out by the community is adjusting to
the surrounding environment conditions and carrying out activities as usual. 3)
Economic adaptation of the surrounding community by building a simple stall
business. 4) Factors that affect the community to stay around the industry is
the absence of other dwellings to live in, close to family and close to
Adaptation, Environment, Aluminum Recycling Industry