Agustine Azhari. 2023. The Effect of Flipped Classroom Learning Model Using
Video on Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Grade IV Students at SDN Lidah
Kulon 1 No. 464 Surabaya. Thesis, Educational Technology Study Program,
Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Supervisor: (I) Prof. Dr.
Mustaji, M.Pd. and (II) Dr. Alim Sumarno, M.Pd.
Words: Flipped Classroom, Learning motivation, Learning outcomes.
main problem in this study is that student learning outcomes in learning
Mathematics are still low, especially in the cognitive realm. This study aims
to examine the effect of the Flipped Classroom learning model by using videos
on motivation in mathematics subjects for grade IV students at SDN Lidah Kuon 1
No. 464 Surabaya City.
this study using a type of quantitative research. The approach used is
Nonequivalent Control Group Design. According to Creswell (2002: 123-124), this
approach is a semi-experimental design that uses an experimental group and a
control group. In this study, researchers compared between 2 classes, namely
the first class became an experimental class and the second class would be a
control class.
research was conducted at SDN Lidah Kulon 1 No.464 Surabaya. Samples are taken
by means of saturated sampling techniques, consisting of class IV C (Control
Class) and Class IV D (Experimental Class). The use of the Flipped Classroom
model using videos affects the motivation of grade IV students at SDN Lidah
Kulon 1 No.464 Surabaya. The use of the Flipped Classroom model using videos
affects the learning outcomes of grade IV students at SDN Lidah Kulon 1 No.646